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Stay informed about news of the server
Season 4 Arrives!

Greetings, everyone!

Get ready for new content on Firestorm: Season 4 - Seeds of Renewal! Patch 10.2.7 arrives February 17th 2025!  





The Mythic Dungeon pool for Season 4 has players returning to all of the dungeons introduced with the Dragonflight expansion:

Ruby Life Pools Brackenhide Hollow The Nokhud Offensive Uldaman: Legacy of Tyr Neltharus The Azure Vault Halls of Infusion Algeth'ar Academy

Mythic keystone levels will behave differently from what players have seen in previous seasons with the introduction of Dungeon level squish. More info below. Important: The Weekly Vault will not be available due to season change!  

DRAGONFLIGHT SEASON 4 - PvP (Draconic Gladiator)

Dragonflight Season 4 PvP introduces some new mounts, achievements, and titles that players will be able to earn. The item level cap has been increased. Conquest and Bloody Tokens are being reset with the launch of Season 4. The Dragonflight Season 4 Gladiator mount is the  Draconic Gladiator's Drake. Like previous Dragonflight seasons, Season 4 rewards a Dragonriding Transformation,  Highland Drake: Embodiment of the Draconic Gladiator. With this occasion, our current Season 3 will end on February 16th 2025.





Previous raids are now Awakened and will return offering a higher level of difficulty and better loot!

Every weekly reset, one of the Dragonflight raids will become Awakened for the duration of that week. When a raid becomes Awakened, its difficulty will increase and drop higher item level loot. To see which Dragonflight raid is Awakened for the week, look to the Adventure Guide.


Week 1: Awakened Vault of the Incarnates Week 2: Awakened Aberrus, the Shadowed Crucible Week 3: Awakened Amirdrassil, the Dream's Hope Week 4: Awakened Vault of the Incarnates Week 5: Awakened Aberrus, the Shadowed Crucible Week 6: Awakened Amirdrassil, the Dream's Hope Week 7: All Dragonflight Raids will be Awakened.


Raid Finder - 480/489 ilvl Normal - 493/502 ilvl Heroic - 506/515 ilvl Mythic - 519/528 ilvl

REWARDS & ACHIEVEMENTS:  Awakening the Dragonflight Raids Complete all three Awakened raids on Normal difficulty or higher in Dragonflight Season 4. Reward: Voyaging Wilderling Mount

 Heroic: Awakening the Dragonflight Raids Complete all three Awakened raids on Heroic difficulty or higher in Dragonflight Season 4. Reward: Awakened Hero Title

 Mythic: Awakening the Dragonflight Raids Complete all three Awakened raids on Mythic difficulty or higher in Dragonflight Season 4. Reward: Dragonflight Raid Teleports:  Path of the Primal Prison,  Path of the Bitter Legacy,  Path of the Scorching Dream




Dungeon difficulty is being reworked in Season 4! Heroic dungeons will now match Mythic 0 difficulty, while Mythic 0 will scale to M 10 difficulty but with no timer or affixes. Following this pattern, a new 5 will feel like today’s 15, with loot updated accordingly. So here's what will be different for Mythic :

The Mythic system will now have rewards up to level 10. Affixes will be available at  2, 5, and 10. Dungeon ratings will be equivalent to the current system.  




Nasz'uro, the Unbound Legacy and Fyr'alath the Dreamrender will be able to be upgraded to a Season 4 item level using Scales of Awakening bought with Bullions. Legendary items will drop as usual from raids, but players who have previously obtained them can purchase a Scale of Awakening to upgrade their items to the Season 4 ilvls (base is 502 and can be upgraded further through Crests and Flightstones). To begin your legendary upgrade, you'll need to locate the Scale of Awakening. Head over to the Parting Glass Inn in Valdrakken, where you'll find the vendor NPC Iszinormi. This vendor holds the key to unlocking the potential of your legendary weapon. The Scale of Awakening can be purchased from Iszinormi, and it requires 2 Antique Bronze Bullions as currency.  



                                                        NEW CURRENCIES ANTIQUE BRONZE BULLION The Antique Bronze Bullions are a valuable currency in Season 4. Similar to the Dinars from Shadowlands, you can acquire Bullions by defeating Awakened bosses. 

Use it to buy powerful gear from all Dragonflight raids. You'll be able to earn one Bullion a week per character with the cap rising by one each week. There are four vendors located in the Parting Glass on the east side of Valdrakken. Three of these vendors are dedicated to each of the Dragonflight raids. The fourth vendor exclusively sells cosmetic weapon appearances. Here's what you can buy:

Weapons, trinkets, and cantrip items are being sold for two  Antique Bronze Bullion each. These vendors include the  Scale of Awakening legendary upgrade item also for two  Antique Bronze Bullion. Cosmetic weapon appearances cost one  Antique Bronze Bullion each. These vendor items drop on a new Awakened upgrade track, allowing them to be upgraded all the way to their max Mythic item level.

AWAKENED TEMPOSTONE  Awakened Tempostone can be used to purchase Dragonflight Season 4 Tier set armor. In the Parting Glass on the east side of Valdrakken will be a vendor named Runaagos, the Neurotic Novelist. You can exhange  Awakened Tempostone for a piece of Dragonflight Season 4 Tier set armor. The difficulty of the Awakened raid in which the omni-token was obtained from will influence the item level and upgrade track of the Tier set armor: LFR (Veteran 3/8) - 486 ilvl Normal (Champion 3/8) - 499 ilvl Heroic (Hero 3/6) - 512 ilvl Mythic (Myth 3/4) - 525 ilvl As a bonus, the Revival Catalyst now recharges by one with every weekly reset!  




Your favorite Tauren will return for an entire week in Patch 10.2.7! Boost a character to  Level 60 for free,  get some gear to help you along the way, plus other cool perks.

But you must be wise with your choices! Boris can only help a single character on your account.

February 6, 2025
Event - Eternal Travelers

by Firestorm


CALENDAR December 23rd - Monday Episode 1 (The Battle for Shattrath) [Bronze]

December 30th - Monday Episode 2 (The Eightfold Fence) [Bronze, Silver]

January 6th - Monday Episode 3 (The Siege of Lordaeron) [Bronze, Silver, Gold]

ABOUT Eternal Travelers is a standalone mega-content designed from scratch by the Firestorm team as a custom addition to the classic PvE experience. It features 3 dungeons each with 3 difficulty tiers that work similarly like Mythic but without a timer, adapted for every skill level, where you will encounter unique bosses and mechanics, discover lots of treasures and temporary abilities that will boost your character to god-like levels.

It also features a Hub full with vendors where you can purchase gear that you can completely modify to your needs, including Secondary and Tertiary stats using tokens obtained from within this content. CORE MECHANICS

5-man Dungeons (1 Tank, 1 Heal, 3 Dps)

Bronze, Silver and Gold—choose your level and difficulty and hop into these Mythic style 5-man dungeons, but with NO TIMER to stress you out. Take your time to explore, adapt, and overcome. Maps 1. The Battle for Shattrath 2. The Eightfold Fence 3. The Siege of Lordaeron  

Complete the scenario objectives by defeating the bosses. Eliminate the majority of enemy forces. There is no timer.

You can queue into any instance using the Dungeon Finder, there is no cooldown or special requirement other than a minimum item level of 420. Upon entering a dungeon, players are frozen in time. The party leader can activate the Time Shift to select a difficulty and begin the dungeon.

A Hub Packed with Rewards Complete challenges and optional bonus objectives to earn tokens and turn them into epic loot. The Hub offers a variety of vendors offering powerful gear, mounts, cosmetics and more. What IF…? Enemies can drop their anima souls. Collect their essence to unlock temporary god-like abilities for the remaining of the dungeon. Hey, who doesn’t like to be overpowered? Over and Over Eternal Travelers is a standalone type of content designed to keep you engaged with fresh, fun challenges that are as competitive and rewarding as the rest of the activities. It integrates seamlessly within the game, offering you high replayability, adapted for every skill level. An Alternative to Classic Gearing Forget RNG frustrations. Earn tokens, target the gear you need, upgrade its item level, and customize it with the Secondary and Tertiary stats of your choice. No longer replacing items 10 times Special Features Take on unique Affixes for an extra challenge—whether for glory or to break up friendships. Explore alternate dimensions to face special Rares, interact with cursed shrines for mixed blessings and track down the hidden vendor in each dungeon. Navigating dungeons is simple with boss checkpoints and diverse teleportation options throughout. ...but more about these below.

Nostwin, the Hidden Vendor A mysterious figure, can occasionally be found within the depths of dungeons. He offers unique ciphers designed to fill the gaps in your party's abilities, providing buffs or features typically tied to specific classes. Purchased using Echoes of Mortality.

Echoes of Mortality will vanish from your inventory after completing or leaving the dungeon.  



[VENDOR] <Echoes of Reality>

Flying Mounts Ground Mounts Aquatic Mounts Toys Companions Appearances

[VENDOR] <Echoes of Time>

Missives (Secondary Stats) Infusions (Tertiary Stats / Prismatic Socket) 440 ilvl Equipment (Helm, Head, Shoulders, Back, Chest, Wrist, Hands, Waist, Legs, Feet) and Weapons

[VENDOR] <Echoes of Creation>

Various bags containing dragon isles crafting materials  Dragons Isles Tabards

[VENDOR] <Echoes of Mortality>

Timeless Scrolls Timeless Drums Timerunner's Vials & Bandages Nostwin's Voucher

[CONTAINER] Eternal Treasures (10 per week, per dungeon)

Echoes of Mortality Echoes of Time Echoes of Creation Flightstones Dragon Isles Supplies Companions Toys Illusions Junk

[CONTAINER] Satchel of Infinite Mysteries (Repeatable Bonus Objective)

Gold Dragon Isles Supplies Pre-BFA Glory Mounts, Companions Goblin Glider Kit Red Velvet Delicacy Xy'rath's Spare Outfit

[CONTAINER] Cache of Infinite Treasure (Weekly Meta-Quest)

Gold Dragon Isles Supplies TGC Tabards TGC Mounts TGC Companions TGC Toys TGC Other Consumables

[CONTAINER] Bottomless Bag of General Goods (Chilling Blizzard Affix)

Dragonflight Enchantments Dragonflight Potions Dragonflight Flasks Dragonflight Drinks or Food Dragonflight Other Consumables

[RARES] Unstable Anomalies

Luminous Starseeker Collector's Carryall Sarge Reno's Lucky Hat The Tavern's Tabard Taverner's Belt Stone of the Hearth

TOKENS - ECHOES 1. Echoes of Reality: Source: Weekly Quests, End of Dungeon. Usage: Exchangeable for mounts, companions, toys, pets, and other cosmetic items from the veiled market vendors.

2. Echoes of Time: Source: Weekly Quests, End of Dungeon. Usage: Tradeable for equipment and related upgrades from the Hub vendors.

3. Echoes of Creation: Source: Treasures, Bonus Objectives. Usage: Redeemable for profession crafting reagents from the Hub vendors. 4. Echoes of Mortality: Source: Dropped from the corpses of powerful enemies. Usage: Purchase consumables from Nostwin, the Hidden Vendor inside dungeons.  

5. Echoes of Power: (Season 4) Source: End of Dungeon. Usage: Usable to obtain Sha-Touched gems from the veiled market vendors.



1. Augmentors [Bronze -> Silver -> Gold] Source: End of Dungeon, Daily cooldown per bracket. Usage: Upgrade an Eternal piece of equipment from a previous bracket by 15 ilvl.

2. Missives Source: Heinrich Gustav (vendor). Usage: Change the secondary stats of an Eternal piece of equipment.

3. Infusions Source: Heinrich Gustav (vendor). Usage: Add tertiary stats to an Eternal piece of equipment.  

4. Socket Upgrade Kits (Season 4) Source: Cache of Infinite Treasure (Weekly reward). Usage: Add sha-touched socket to an Eternal piece of equipment.



Eternals: Bronze Challenger Description: Complete the Eternal Dungeons on Bronze difficulty or higher. Reward: Toy: Eternal Traveler's Hearthstone Eternals: Silver Challenger Description: Complete the Eternal Dungeons on Silver difficulty or higher. Reward: Mount: Marble Quilen Eternals: Gold Challenger Description: Complete the Eternal Dungeons on Gold difficulty. Reward: Mount: Astral Emperor's Serpent Eternals: Bronze Dungeoneer Description: Complete 3 Eternal Dungeons on Bronze difficulty or higher as a Tank, Healer, and Damage Dealer. Reward: Appearance: Class Ensemble Eternals: Silver Dungeoneer Description: Complete 3 Eternal Dungeons on Silver difficulty or higher as a Tank, Healer, and Damage Dealer. Reward: Appearance: Class Arsenal Eternals: Gold Dungeoneer Description: Complete 3 Eternal Dungeons on Gold difficulty or higher as a Tank, Healer, and Damage Dealer. Reward: Mount: Reins of the August Phoenix Eternals: An Endless Cycle Description: Complete 9 Eternal Weekly Quests. Reward: Title: Timerunner Eternals: Lost and Found Description: Discover 33 Hidden Eternal Treasures. Reward: Ensemble: Vestments of the Eternal Traveler Eternals: Deja-vu Description: Complete 33 Eternal Bonus Objectives. Reward: Mount: Ensorcelled Everwyrm Eternals: The Survivors Description: Survive the chilling blizzard. Reward: Drake Customization: Highland Drake - Winter Veil Armor Eternals: Everything is now Description: Survive the end of the world. Reward: Toy: Chronomancer's Hourglass Eternals: The White Devil Description: Only the most fortunate—or cursed—will uncover the truth of the White Devil’s favor. Reward: Mount: Smoldering Rune of Binding


SPECIAL FEATURES AFFIXES 1. The End of the World:  - Every 4 minutes, and every 8 minutes thereafter, a Singularity forms and grows over 6 seconds before annihilating all players. You must be prepared to survive. <NOT AVAILABLE ON RELEASE>



2. Gathering Blizzard: - Greatfather Winter awaits at the dungeon entrance, offering the Gathering Blizzard challenge. Speak with him within the first minute to accept, or he will depart, taking the opportunity—and the rewards—with him! - The chilling blizzard causes the ambient temperature to drop, reducing your vision. Players must remain within 10 yds of other players or they gain Freezing Blood (After 6 sec, if the target is not within 10 yds of enough other players, the target is frozen solid). - At 50 power, players must remain within distance of 3 other players. - At 75 power, players must remain within distance of 5 other players - At full power, vision is severely limited for the next 12 seconds. 2. Crimson Concord: Creatures become empowered based on the number of similar creatures within 15 yards, increasing their haste and damage dealt equal to the level of the dungeon per stack. Upon reaching 10 applications, the creature gains Crimson Concord: Unyielding granting them immunity to interrupts and crowd controlling effects. ANIMA POWERS Upon death, enemies have a chance to summon an Anima Cell, allowing players to pick a [Normal / Uncommon / Rare / Epic] Anima Power. Similar to Torghast mechanics from Shadowlands. TREASURES Treasures can be randomly discovered throughout the dungeons. Interacting with one rewards the player with various goods but applies a weekly cooldown, allowing up to 10 different treasures to be looted per week. SHRINES Shrines can be randomly encountered throughout the dungeons. Interacting with one applies a 10-minute debuff to the player, often combining both beneficial and detrimental effects. UNSTABLE CRYSTALS Unstable crystals can appear randomly throughout the dungeons. Interacting with a crystal applies a stacking debuff to all players. Once the debuff reaches 5 stacks, players gain the ability to see Unstable Elementals—powerful foes that can drop special rewards. NULLIFICATION DEVICES Nullification devices can be found throughout the dungeons. Activating one initiates a cleansing protocol, dealing Arcane damage to all players within 100 yards and removing Sated, Temporal Displacement and other similar debuffs. The damage decreases the farther players are from the titanic countermeasure. TIMEWALKER KNOWLEDGE All players have access to a scenario button that, when used, grants the caster the blessing of Timewalker Knowledge, providing access to a random extra ability. TIME SHIFT Once the dungeon has started, the Time Shift can also be used to alter the sky's appearance for your character. FORTIFICATION & DESTABILIZATION PROTOCOLS In dungeons, specific rare enemies can become empowered with:  Fortification Protocol: Reduces all damage taken by 20%. This effect can stack up to 4 times. Each dungeon contains 4 Diagnostic Consoles. Players can interact with these consoles to place orbs of specific colors: Red, Blue, Yellow, or Green on them. For each console with a unique-colored orb placed, one stack of the fortification is removed. When all stacks are removed, the rare's empowerment switches to: Destabilization Protocol: Increases the damage taken by the rare enemy by 20% and also increases the damage they deal by 20%.



INTRO QUEST 1. Sic Mundus Creatus Est (Automatic) - Accept: This quest will be pushed automatically to players. Objective: Enter the Veiled Market through the Chaotic Spatial Rift in Valdrakken, meet the Eternals and complete one of the dungeons. DAILY BONUS OBJECTIVES 1. Rift of Oblivion | Hellfire Overlook | Twisted Grove (The Battle for Shattrath) 2. Descent Into The Abyss (The Eightfold Fence) 3. Echoes of the Fallen (The Siege of Lordaeron)

- Fill the progress bar by defeating invaders and interacting with specific entities. - Defeat the leader of the invaders. - Complete the rest of the dungeon.

* Progress is shared and synced for all players in the instance. * Quests are repeatable and reset when starting a new instance. * Quests shuffle every day. (as along as there is more than one available) QEEKLY QUESTS 1. Eternals: The Battle for Shattrath  - Complete the respective dungeon 3 times on any difficulty.

2. Eternals: The Eightfold Fence  - Complete the respective dungeon 3 times on any difficulty.

3. Eternals: The Siege of Lordaeron  - Complete the respective dungeon 3 times on any difficulty.

4. Eternals: The Triple Threat  - Complete any 3 dungeons on any difficulty.

* Quests rotate weekly.


December 12, 2024
Patch 10.2.0 is HERE!

Greetings, everyone!

The most anticipated content release is here: Season 3 - Guardians of the Dream! Patch 10.2.0 will be released on October 21st 2024!





Patch 10.2 introduces the long-awaited Emerald Dream as a fully explorable zone.The Emerald Dream is essentially Azeroth in its most unspoiled, natural state, a blueprint of the world as it was intended to be by the Titans.

As the main hub of the patch, here you will find tons of activities such as: - Public Events (Superbloom, Emerald Frenzy, Emerald Bounty) - New World Boss - New faction: Dream Wardens  





The fate of the new World Tree can’t be secured until Fyrakk and his molten army are defeated.

Featuring 9 bosses, this raid continues the storyline of Dragonflight, culminating with the final boss, Fyrakk. As before, you may obtain Tier items from this raid, along with some unique items. Amirdrassil is also the place where you begin the epic journey for obtaining the Legendary Axe: Fyr’alath, the Dream Render. Available Bosses:

Gnarlroot Igira the Cruel Volcoross Council of Dreams: Urctos, Aerwynn, Pip Larodar, Keeper of the Flame Nymue, Weaver of the Cycle Smolderon, the Firelord Tindral Sageswift, Seer of the Flame Fyrakk, the Blazing

If you want to learn more about each boss mechanic, we recommend visiting Amirdrassil will be available on LFR, Normal and Heroic on release. Mythic will come soon after!  






A new season with new rewards, challenges and dungeons begins for Mythic :

Dawn of the Infinite: Galakrond's Fall (Dragonflight) Dawn of the Infinite: Murozond's Rise (Dragonflight) Waycrest Manor (Battle for Azeroth) Atal'Dazar (Battle for Azeroth) Darkheart Thicket (Legion) Black Rook Hold (Legion) The Everbloom (Warlords of Draenor) Throne of the Tides (Cataclysm)

An enhanced Catalyst system lets you unlock your tier set even faster, gearing up more efficiently for the challenges ahead!

Important: The Weekly Vault will not be available during the release week due to season change!

DRAGONFLIGHT SEASON 3 - PvP (Verdant Gladiator)

The new “Verdant Gladiator” Season brings large PvP changes, new gear, additional item changes, class balances and new ways to upgrade your gear! The item level cap has been increased. Conquest and Bloody Tokens are being reset with the launch of Season 3. With this occasion, our current Season 2 will end on October 20th 2024.




Fyr'alath is a Legendary Strength weapon intended for Death Knights, Paladins, and Warriors. There are two ways of Fyr'alath the Dreamrender dropping: Personal Loot and Master Loot.

Personal Loot Defeating Fyrakk on any difficulty has a chance to drop Fyr'alath the Dreamrender as personal push loot with higher difficulties having a significantly increased drop chance. Defeating Fyrakk on any difficulty automatically includes the drop chance of all lower difficulties. Bad Luck Protection exists from the start this time with Greater Ember of Fyr'alath and Lesser Ember of Fyr'alath. Master Loot The weapon can still randomly drop from Mythic Fyrakk and can thus be assigned to any member of the kill! Once obtained, an epic questline begins which will eventually allow you to equip the weapon without dying, fortunately. If you want to learn more, check out this Wowhead Guide. Instead of unlocking the questline after the first Mythic Fyrakk kill, we will unlock it 2 weeks after the first Heroic Fyrakk Kill!





The Dream calls and you must answer! The Dragonflight Campaign continues into the Emerald Dream as we try to stop Fyrakk, cut down his influence, and explore this mythical zone.

The questline starts with Call of the Dream, where you will meet with everyone by the Ancient Bought in Ohn'ahran Plains. You must have completed The Coalition of Flames questline in Patch 10.1.7 to gain access to this quest. In there, you will meet with Alexstrasza, Ysera, Merithra, Vyranoth, Tyrande, Kalecgos, Khadgar, and the Khan Matra of the Maruuk Centaur. One of the most notable rewards of this campaign is the new mount Flourishing Whimsydrake.





Patch 10.2 includes major reworks especially for Rogues and Demon Hunters,but all classes had their fair share of changes.  We also have Druid Moonkin Form customizations and animations! Here's a few links if you are interested in all changes:


Patch 10.2 Class Tuning and Changes - Massive Nerfs to Mass Dispel and Power Infusion Healing Throughput and Mana Generation in Patch 10.2 - Resource & Cooldown Changes Guardians of the Dream Class Changes






Public Events  The Emerald Dream will feature a new set of public events which work together in a cycle.

Superbloom The location of this event is the Central Encampment. There, you will encounter Sprucecrown, the central figure of this activity. However, keep in mind that the Superbloom begins automatically every hour. You can still join at any time by heading to the location marked with a horn icon. Emerald Frenzy This is a mini-event that is part of the Superbloom event. It starts right after a Superbloom ends and lasts for 10 minutes. During this time, mobs in the area are empowered. Defeat them to earn Emerald Bounty currency! Emerald Bounty Plant seeds and reap the rewards. The more folks participating, the more bounty for all.

New World Boss Aurostor the Hibernating, with an unique encounter style. New Faction: Dream Wardens Guardians of this verdant new zone and protectors of the World Tree, Amirdrassil. This faction offers 20 renown ranks. To gain 1 renown, you will need to gather 2,500 reputation points. As usual, you will have daily and weekly sources to gain reputation. Naturally, this reputation will unlock access to NPCs who offer a variety of items for sale. Check this link for more specific information about this new faction.

Dragonriding New Abilities: Second Wind, Wind's Respite, Swift Skimming New races and world quests in the Emerald Dream A new Dragonriding mount, the Flourishing Whimsydrake, available through the continuing campaign questline.

Tier Sets New amazing tier sets and effects are available in 10.2. Take a look at their effects and models here.





Your favorite Tauren will return for an entire week to get you well-prepared for Patch 10.2! Boost a character to Level 60 for free, get some gear to help you along the way, plus other cool perks.

But you must be wise with your choices! Boris can only help a single character on your account.

October 7, 2024



General Information

- Game version: 10.2.7 build 55664 - Our client has all supported languages Method 1 - Full client (Torrent) Recommended

Steps: 1. Install a torrent software. We recommend using qBittorrent as it's free, safe and open-source 2. Open or copy the Magnet Link in qBittorrent or your torrent software. It will download WoW 10.2.7 - (89.1GB)  

magnet:?xt=urn:btih:8b177001a430189828afe4ec6403a639dbe9ade0&dn=WoW 10.2.7 -

3. Once downloaded open WoW 10.2.7 - archive and extract its contents (Don't extract it in ProgramData, Windows etc) 4. Play the game using WoW 10.2.7 - Firestorm.exe

This is the recommended method as it will provide the complete game. You need enough space on your computer for both the .zip and the extracted game. After extracting the game, you may delete the archive.



Method 2 - Minimal Client (Update from 10.1.7) For Advanced Users

Steps: 1. (Recommended) Make a copy of your 10.1.7 game folder. 2. Download the archive that contains WoW 10.2.7 - Firestorm.exe 3. Extract the executable in your 10.1.7 game folder. 4. Run the executable. It may take a while to open, please do not open the executable multiple times!

This method will update and download additional data, then continue to download data while you play (you must be logged into a character). There is no visual indicator as for how much data has been downloaded already. Do not open WoW 10.2.7 - Firestorm.exe multiple times during this stage to avoid problems.

During Open PTR, you may log on both 10.1.7 and 10.2.7 realms BUT YOUR INTERFACE / ADDON SETTINGS MAY BREAK. If you want to do this, make sure to backup your <WTF> and <Interface> folders. Run either WoW Dragonflight 10.1.7 - FS.exe for Valdrakken or WoW 10.2.7 - Firestorm.exe for PTR.  


Method 3 - Minimal Client (Fresh Install) Not Recommended

Steps: 1. Download the archive that contains WoW 10.2.7 - Firestorm.exe 2. Extract the executable in a new folder. Folder must be empty 3. Run the executable. It may take a while to open, please do not open the executable multiple times!

This method will download the necessary files to run the game, then continue to download data while you play (you must be logged into a character). There is no visual indicator as for how much data has been downloaded already. Do not open WoW 10.2.7 - Firestorm.exe multiple times during this stage to avoid problems.

We recommend using this method only when you have a high-speed internet connection, downloading while playing with a slow connection is likely to lead to undesirable results such as slow loading times, frequent disconnects, visual issues due to things not being downloaded yet, etc.



Method 4 - Minimal Client (Launcher) Currently Not Available


September 12, 2024
Patch 10.1.7 Arrives!

Greetings, everyone!

Get ready for new content in Fury Incarnate! Patch 10.1.7 will be released on September 16th 2024!




Each week one of the four original zones in the Dragon Isles (The Waking Shores, Ohn’ahran Plains, Thaldraszus, and The Azure Span) will be affected by a Dreamsurge. To participate in a Dreamsurge, seek out Archdruid Hamuul Runetotem in Valdrakken for the Surging Dreams quest. You can also go directly to the Dreamsurge icon in whichever zone is affected. Every 30 minutes, a Dreamsurge event will pop up somewhere in the zone, allowing players to complete objectives. Those participating in the event can vote to shape the incoming Dreamsurge, so players will have various useful, powerful, or chaotic buffs.

During Dreamsurges, you will find Waking Dream Portals, shown on the map as a fiery portal icon. During a Waking Dream portal, you advance a progression bar by defeating Druids of the Flame, destroying Flame Altars or dragonriding through Flametalon Hawks. Once complete, prepare for a fight with a Flame Lieutenant which drops Charred Elemental Remains when defeated. Dreamsurges are a fantastic way to gear up Alts and collect new mounts, pets and other cosmetics!




In Patch 10.1.7, Heroic Dawn of the Infinite is a new difficulty level added to the mega-dungeon, which was originally introduced in Patch 10.1.5. 

This heroic version allows you to experience the entire dungeon with a challenging but more accessible difficulty compared to Mythic. Unlike the Mythic version, you can queue for it via Dungeon Finder! A great and easy way to farm Reputation and the HD version of Gorehowl.




The attempts to reforge Tyr continue in this questline, but before you can locate the missing Disc of Tyr's memories, you need to help Travard with something particularly special: the reforging of the Tyr's Guard! Travard is the leader and up until now, last remaining member of the Tyr's Guard, a secret order of Paladins sworn to protect Tyr's tomb in Tirisfal.

In order to start this questline you need the completion of the Coalition of Flames and Bronze Reconciliation storylines.

August 27, 2024
Content Patch 10.1.5 Information

Greetings, everyone!

Fractures in Time - Patch 10.1.5 is Live!  





Augmentation Evoker is a ranged DPS spec unlike anything ever before seen in World of Warcraft and it focuses on empowering your allies, manipulating the environment, and providing crucial support during battles. As Augmentation you’ll find the playstyle familiar if you’re already an Evoker player. It revolves around spending Essences, casting empowered spells, and utilizing a new set of abilities to support your allies, adding a fresh dynamic to all group content such as dungeons, raids and PvP.





This 8-boss Mythic-only dungeon takes you on an epic journey along Chromie to prevent the Infinite Dragonflight from transforming Nozdormu into his twisted persona, Murozond. Dawn of the Infinite offers a thrilling narrative and challenging encounters. The dungeon features a diverse range of bosses, each with unique mechanics that will test your skills and teamwork. Completing this dungeon not only offers exciting gameplay but may also reward you with one of the most stunning dragonflight skin tints: The Infinite Dragonflight.





Time Rifts are a new hourly world event in Tyrhold. These rifts are portals to alternate timelines, where you will join other players to battle waves of enemies and powerful bosses. Each Time Rift event includes a variety of quests and mini-games, providing a fun and dynamic experience. Completing these events rewards you with unique artifacts based on the timelines you corrected. The best part? Each reward is unique, ensuring that you never receive the same reward twice. This keeps the excitement high every time a Time Rift opens!  




Now, you can personalize your minions to match your style and preferences. This feature is unlocked through a new questline that begins as soon as you log in. Once unlocked, you can access the pet customization options through the barber shop. This allows you to give your demonic companions a fresh look, making them even more fearsome or stylish.





These fun quests take you to pivotal moments in history, where you will interact with some of your favorite characters like Illidan, Jaina, and Arthas. Your mission is to ensure these events play out as they should whether their outcomes are good OR bad. These dailies offers a fantastic opportunity to experience and influence the richness of Warcraft’s lore firsthand.  




Become a Whelptender at the Little Scales Daycare in Valdrakken where you will help raise five dragon whelps! Your task is to guide these young dragons as they grow, learn about the dragon flights, and develop their unique abilities. Your efforts will be rewarded with battle pets, achievements, and flightstones, making this a delightful and rewarding activity for all players.  




Mythic Flex is exactly what you think it is, it enables flexible player groups from 10 players, up to the default of 20 players. Just like normal and heroic! This feature enables lots of potential especially for smaller guilds, but not limited to them. It's a feature where you'll no longer have to rely on 20 players to start a mythic raid, instead you can do it with your small group of friends.


First of all, we should clarify what is Mythic Flex and what is not...

Mythic Flex will NEVER scale below 10 players. Instance limit is still 20 players. Mythic Flex is intended to remove the mandatory raid size of 20 players, NOT to reduce the difficulty and flavour of Mythic! Loot is adjusted based on raid size. Creatures health and some specific mechanics and spells will scale based on raid size. It is NOT a difficulty nerf. It may appear easier for a very few players just because it's easier to coordinate 10 players than 20. Mythic will still be a place where only the best raiders can compete.

Although Mythic Flex is not a new concept for us, (successfully implemented on Felsong 8 months ago), its success and future will depend on your feedback gathered over the span of the next few weeks. Our intention is to make the game better, thus your feedback will play a decisive role as we'll closely keep an eye on it.


Health, first of all. Every creature inside the mythic raid will scale their HP based on raid size. Then, some mechanics and spells. A generic example would be mechanics where a specific number of players must soak an ability.

Here is a list with all spells and mechanics changed to work on flex for Aberrus Mythic:

Amalgamation Chamber: - Gloom Conflagration: required players & split damage scaling

Assault of the Zaqali:  - Catastrophic Slam: required players & split damage scaling

Rashok the Elder: - Charged Smash: required players & split damage scaling - Doom Flames: spawn count is now scaling

Echo of Neltharion: - Volcanic Heart: debuff count scaling - Sunder Reality: Portals breaking scaling with player count



July 24, 2024
Mythic Flex


In our continuous effort to offer you the best gaming experience, we'd like to propose a new and unique feature.

Mythic Flex is exactly what you think it is, it enables flexible player groups from 10 players, up to the default of 20 players. Just like normal and heroic! This feature enables lots of potential especially for smaller guilds, but not limited to them. It's a feature where you'll no longer have to rely on 20 players to start a mythic raid, instead you can do it with your small group of friends.


First of all, we should clarify what is Mythic Flex and what is not...

Mythic Flex will NEVER scale below 10 players. Instance limit is still 20 players. Mythic Flex is intended to remove the mandatory raid size of 20 players, NOT to reduce the difficulty and flavour of Mythic! Loot is adjusted based on raid size. Creatures health and some specific mechanics and spells will scale based on raid size. It is NOT a difficulty nerf. It may appear easier for a very few players just because it's easier to coordinate 10 players than 20. Mythic will still be a place where only the best raiders can compete.

Although Mythic Flex is not a new concept for us, (successfully implemented on Felsong 8 months ago), its success and future will depend on your feedback gathered over the span of the next few weeks. Our intention is to make the game better, thus your feedback will play a decisive role as we'll closely keep an eye on it.


Health, first of all. Every creature inside the mythic raid will scale their HP based on raid size. Then, some mechanics and spells. A generic example would be mechanics where a specific number of players must soak an ability.

Here is a list with all spells and mechanics changed to work on flex for Aberrus Mythic:

Amalgamation Chamber: - Gloom Conflagration: required players & split damage scaling

Assault of the Zaqali:  - Catastrophic Slam: required players & split damage scaling

Rashok the Elder: - Charged Smash: required players & split damage scaling - Doom Flames: spawn count is now scaling

Echo of Neltharion: - Volcanic Heart: debuff count scaling - Sunder Reality: Portals breaking scaling with player count

Finally,  Mythic Flex will be live tomorrow, July 24th for Aberrus. And with this occasion we also implemented a 90 seconds window during which disconnected players can relog while a raid encounter is in progress. Once the timer expires, offline players will be teleported outside the raid if there is an encounter in progress.

Looking forward for your feedback. K0s, Firestorm Admin

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July 23, 2024
Dragonflight - Season 2


Greetings, everyone!

Our first major content arrives: Season 2 - Embers of Neltharion! Patch 10.1.0 will be released on May 27th 2024!




Zaralek Cavern is a new underground zone in the Ohn’ahran Plains. Accessible through a network of tunnels, this zone continues the Campaign questline and introduces new World Quests, rare encounters, and two World Bosses: Vakan and Gholna. Meet the Niffen faction and revisit the Drogbar. New Dragonriding mount obtained through the Campaign.

To access Zaralek Cavern, complete the “News From Beneath" or "The Land Beneath" quests. Look for entrances within the chasm between Valdrakken and Ohn’ahran Plains on your map, and ensure your drake is well-rested for the journey ahead!




Millennia ago, Neltharion carved deep chasms in the earth where he conducted experiments. After his death, these sites were lost to time, but forces hungry for power now seek to claim Deathwing’s legacy. A new raid comes with Embers of Neltharion. Gather your allies and breach Deathwing’s secret laboratory hidden within Zaralek Cavern. Here, he created the Dracthyr and ultimately fell to the whispers of the Old Gods and their corruption.

In Aberrus you will encounter 9 bosses, culminating with Scalecommander Sarkareth as the final boss. Aberrus will be fully available on LFR, Normal and Heroic; Mythic will be released shortly after. Class Tier Sets will drop in Aberrus, the Shadowed Crucible. Each Tier Set has a unique dragon theme.





Dragonflight Season 2 has a brand new dungeon pool and includes 2 dungeons from Battle for Azeroth, 1 from Legion, and 1 from Cataclysm:

Brackenhide Hollow (Dragonflight) Halls of Infusion (Dragonflight) Uldaman, Legacy of Tyr (Dragonflight) Neltharus (Dragonflight) Freehold (Battle for Azeroth) The Underrot (Battle for Azeroth) Neltharion’s Lair (Legion) Vortex Pinnacle (Cataclysm)

For Season 2 there will be no Seasonal affix, but new affixes will include: Incorporeal, Afflicted and Entangling.  

DRAGONFLIGHT SEASON 2 - PvP (Obsidian Gladiator)

Season 2 brings lots of changes to PvP such as new crafted gear, changes to PvP Talents, CC, new cosmetics and epic titles. The item level cap has been increased. Trophy of Strife and Bloody Tokens are being reset with the launch of Season 2. Season 2 is also adding a brand new item to turn any Epic Quality piece of gear into a PvP item. These Optional Reagents can be purchased with Honor or Conquest and will increase the item's PvP item level. With this occasion, our current Season 1 will end.  



Dracthyr Evokers can obtain a 457 ilvl Legendary weapon in Patch 10.1 by completing various tasks and activities such as Aberrus, epic questlines, crafting reagents. Seek out Scalecommander Sarkareth in the Aberrus raid. Defeat him to obtain the Cracked Titan Gem—a key to unlocking Nasz’uro’s potential.




Patch 10.1 introduced a new universal gear upgrade system to WoW. This system revolves around collecting Flightstones and Crests, allowing gear obtained in the current Dragonflight season to be upgraded. Gear from Open World, Mythic , Raid, and PvP can be upgraded using this system.

Flightstones are obtained from a multitude of activities. From completing events in open zones like the Zaralek Caverns, to completing Mythic dungeons, to killing raid bosses, or any current Season activity. Awakened Crests can be obtained mainly from defeating raid bosses, completing higher-level Mythic dungeons, and Rated PvP. A limited amount can also be obtained from open-world activities.  



Along with the Drogbar that you may remember from Legion, Zaralek Cavern is home to the Loamm Niffen. The Niffen offers new Renown, quests, and a new exploration mini-game, Sniffenseek digs.

Sniffenseek digs are approximately 5 minutes in length and involve exploring secret caves via a puzzle mechanic that involves “stealthin', sniffin’, diggin’, or usin' logic”.  In Zaralek Cavern, every scent tells a story, every puzzle conceals a clue. Sniff, dig, and solve the puzzles of the Loamm Niffen to obtain pets, mounts and cosmetics from this faction.




Fyrakk Assaults Fyrakk is after the resources in the Azure Span and Ohn’ahran Plains. Attack Suffusion Camps and disrupt his forces to lure him and his followers into the open.

Researchers Under Fire A set of two timed scenarios inside Zaralek Cavern where you can aid the researchers in overcoming powerful enemies for escalating rewards based on completed objectives.

Dragonriding New Traits: Ground Skimming and Land's Blessing.  Eight new Dragonriding Glyphs in Zaralek Caverns. New races and world quests in Zarelek Cavern A new Dragonriding mount, the Winding Slitherdrake, available through the continuing campaign questline.

Side Quests Keeper of the Ossuary, a huge questline featuring the restoration of the blue dragonflight.





Yep! Your favorite Tauren is back to get you well prepared for your next big adventure! In case you two are not best friends yet, Boris is the go-to when you want a quick Level 60 Boost, some gear to help you along the way,  and other amazing perks. But you must be wise with your choices! Boris can only help a single character on your account.

May 3, 2024
Content patch 10.0.7 Arrives!

Greetings, everyone.

Our journey together continues as we’re thrilled to unveil our latest milestone! Patch 10.0.7 will be released on April 15th 2024!




The once familiar zone has been reshaped by the events of the previous patch. Explore the aftermath of the conflict with Raszageth and uncover new storylines centered around the recovering Dracthyr. This all-new zone offers a lot of fresh content for max level adventurers. Primalist forces have taken root in the Forbidden Reach, offering new challenges and lore to explore. Obtaining gear has never been easier! With the new introduced gear tokens, you can upgrade your characters to competitive item levels.




This new outdoor zone features unique puzzles and tons of rooms you can unlock and explore. Each week, the layout and challenges within the vaults will change, keeping the content fresh and encouraging repeat exploration. It’s one of the main places to gather Primordial Stones used to craft gems for the brand new item, the Onyx Annulet! These vaults hold exciting loot, including Primordial Fragments, mounts and rare cosmetic items.




Patch 10.0.7 introduces a new gear catch-up system in the Forbidden Reach zone, so you can quickly gear up alts and new characters.  This system features Item Level 385 Bind-on-Account gear tokens, upgradable to Item Level 395 with Untapped Forbidden Knowledge. 

Additionally, the Onyx Annulet offers unparalleled customization. This unique ring comes with three sockets, ready for you to infuse with specially crafted Primordial Stone gems that match your playstyle, making your character powerful and unique.




Align with a Dragon Isles Major Faction daily by meeting with envoys in the Forbidden Reach, and earn a 10% reputation boost for the chosen faction throughout the day. These envoys also offer special quests rewarding additional reputation and Elemental Overflow—a new currency redeemable for exclusive rewards at the Envoy Traders. The quest's rotation follows a four-day cycle for each faction.

Obtain four new dragonriding customizations, the Buckie battle pet, and the Noble Bruffalon mount.




Master the skies with the new changes introduced in Patch 10.0.7. Discover new Dragonriding Glyphs in the Forbidden Reach and unlock two new Dragonriding Traits:

Aerial Halt: Flap back, reducing forward movement Airborne Recovery: Activating Aerial Halt while affected by Thrill of the Skies generates 1 Vigor.

Test your skills in 6 new races and unlock lots of customization manuscripts.




With this update, you can utilize Artisan Curios to summon Rare elites in the Forbidden Reach for valuable resources and reagents. Each of the 13 professions, including gathering skills like mining and herbalism, can find or craft specific Artisan Curios. These items, once found, can be repaired either by your own skills or with the assistance of another player. To begin the transformation of these curios into summoning items, obtain the necessary recipes from Trader Hag'arth in exchange for Artisan's Mettle.

This system not only adds depth to professions but also enriches the world with more social and collaborative elements, as artisans come together to unlock the mysteries and treasures of the Forbidden Reach.

April 8, 2024
Content patch 10.0.5 Arrives!


Hello everyone, as previously announced our staff  work hasn't stopped and today we bring you some big news! We are officially updating the current content patch to 10.0.5 on the 19th February 2024. For those of you that dont know what that entails, we will now provide all the info you will need to know in order to take the best advantage of the new systems and content.  



Mage Tower, a permanent feature reintroduced in Patch 10.0.5, offers players the opportunity to engage in 7 distinct challenges, each yielding unique rewards. Originally from the Legion expansion, Mage Tower  makes a return in Dragonflight 10.0.5.

Azeroth's champions can now venture into the revamped Mage Tower, where completing the 7 challenges will unlock various rewards. The structure operates similarly to its Legion counterpart, allowing players to repeatedly attempt the original 7 challenges, categorized by their specialization's role.

To enhance your chances of success, explore class guides tailored for a smoother experience before undertaking the challenges. Best of luck on your quest!  



Introducing the Trading Post, a fresh feature arriving in Stormwind City and Orgrimmar. Engage in monthly activities to accumulate currency for sprucing up your characters with cosmetic transmogs, pets, and mounts—expect a monthly infusion of new items and activities.

The Trading Post, comprised of T&W (Tawny and Wilder) and Zen’shiri Trading Posts, will set up shop just outside the Mage District in Stormwind and beside Grommash Hold in Orgrimmar.

To snag these exclusive cosmetic items, you'll need to acquire a new account-wide currency called Trader's Tender. This can be obtained in two ways:

Automatically every month: Logging in and visiting the Trading Post lets you collect 500 Trader's Tender from the Collector’s Cache. Completing monthly activities in the Traveller's Log: They offer the chance to earn additional 500 Trader's Tender.

Trading Post Requirements:

Character must be at least level 10 to access the Adventure Guide.   



Introducing the New Primal Storms Event - Storm's Fury, launching with Patch 10.0.5! This event occurs every five hours, activating a Temporal Conflux portal in Thaldraszus.

Engage in the storm and earn Essence of the Storm, exchangeable for exciting rewards like the Skyskin Hornstrider mount or the adorable Time-Lost Vorquin Foal pet. Additionally, obtain items to withstand the storm, as the Primalists attempt to freeze their enemies to the bone. Don't miss out on the tempestuous action!  



The Revival Catalyst empowers you to transform non-tier gear into an equivalent item level and gear slot Tier piece. Please note that Tier slots cannot be crafted from gear. To utilize the Catalyst, you'll need Renascent Lifeblood charges. These charges are earned passively on a weekly basis, account-wide, with a maximum cap of 6.

To access the Revival Catalyst, embark on the quest "Reviving the Machine" from Watcher Koranos in Valdrakken. Unleash the potential to elevate your gear to new heights!  



Starting with 10.0.5 we're lifting the caps on the amounts of Conquest and Valor that players can earn and hold. This change will persist throughout the remainder of Dragonflight Season 1.

In the early stages of the season, these caps served to alleviate the sense of falling behind for many players in PvP and Mythic gear. However, as of right now, we aim to provide players with the freedom to swiftly gear up alts or return to the game after a hiatus, ensuring they can catch up without encountering any caps.  


Discover a thrilling twist in Patch 10.0.5 – dragon racing now features reverse routes! Familiar paths take on a new challenge as you navigate them in the opposite direction, injecting a fresh excitement into this beloved Dragonflight activity.

To join a reverse race, showcase your mastery by completing the course in the standard direction. Earn "bronze," "silver," and "gold" achievements based on your finishing time, contributing to larger location-based meta-achievements for added competition.

For those mastering reverse racing, the ultimate reward awaits – the prestigious "Reverse Racer: Gold" title is reserved for those showcasing exceptional skill and precision by earning gold in all courses.   


And that's it for now. We will keep hard at work to bring you the next content patch, 10.0.7 is already on the horizon! Hope you will have a great time with this new content patch. See you in game. The Firestorm Staff

February 12, 2024