Patch note
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- New Weekly Quest: "Eternals: The Triple Threat" - Complete "The Battle for Shattrath", "The Eightfold Fence" and "The Siege of Lordaeron" on any difficulty.
- Siege of Lordaeron: Mercenary Shapeshift removed due to party chat-related issues.
- Achievements: Affix-related achievements have been hidden as they are no longer active.
- Seasonal Update: Humanoids no longer wear Christmas hats, as Winter Veil has ended.
- Satchel of Infinite Mysteries: Now rewards a random eternal flask.
- Eternal Flasks: Cost reduced to 15 (was 20).
- Overgrowth (number of roots) now scales with difficulty.
- Reduced the damage of Ground Slam and Rampant Growth.
- Ragewing the Untamed:
- Adjusted the radius of Doom Stomp.
- Fixed the radius of Shattering Wingslam and reduced its damage.
- Reduced the damage of Banishment Protocol.
- Crystal Mother: Reduced the damage of Tectonic Upheaval.
- Zealous Eruption will no longer target players inside the water bubble.
- Runeforged Spectre: Explosive Darkness can now be soaked to split damage evenly among targets.
- Tashara: Ground Shatter will now be cast less frequently.
Shadowfel Amalgamation:
- Now summons a portal to the bonus objective when defeated, similar to Mortanis.
- Fixed the radius of Bonestorm.
- Encounter timers adjusted to a slower pace.
Hailstone Construct:
- Encounter timers adjusted to a slower pace.
Siegemaster Mar'tak:
- Fixed the knockback radius of Hellfire Walls.
- Nerfed the damage of Airship Bombardment.
Dia Darkwhisper:
- Increased the damage and target count of Dark Pulse; interrupting her abilities will now trigger Dark Pulse.
- Fixed encounter wall issues.
- Reduced the damage of Repelling Burst.
Nurgash Muckformed:
- Increased the damage of Terminate, which now splits evenly among all targets hit.
- Subterranean Crawler should always assist the boss in combat.
- Unrepentant Soul: Reduced the frequency of silences.
- Undercity Guardian: Increased the damage of Acid Pool.
- Bone Magu: Grasping Hands will now target only one random DPS per cast.
Final Difficulty: Gold (Levels 8, 9, 10).
New Dungeon: The Siege of Lordaeron.
New Weekly Quest: "Eternals: The Siege of Lordaeron" - Complete the dungeon 3 times on any difficulty.
- Separate queues have been introduced for each dungeon bracket to improve matchmaking in PuG runs. Entry requirements: Bronze - 420 ilvl, Silver - 455 ilvl, Gold - 475 ilvl. Leaders can still select any difficulty once inside, allowing players to challenge higher levels if desired.
- Fixed an issue where dungeons were not correctly marked as completed, which caused unintended deserter penalties for groups.
- The damage and haste bonus provided by Crimson Concord has been reduced by 50%.
- Duplicate items from treasures can now be destroyed.
- Timewalker Knowledge now has an initial cooldown to prevent exploitative re-rolling when entering dungeons.
- Time Transit Devices can now be freely used in difficulties below Gold.
- Anima Powers Flask now rolls exclusively between rare and epic-tier powers.
- Reduced the cost of Eternal Flasks to 20 (was 25).
- Players are now invisible during Time Stop (level selection).
- Further increased loot drop rates from Unstable Anomalies.
- The drop chance for The White Devil achievement now scales with dungeon difficulty.
- Fixed an issue where Zaxasj’s Shield could incorrectly reapply after the intro event.
- Increased the absorb value of Raszageth’s Stormsurge Shield.
- Reduced the damage of Raszageth’s Tempest Wing ability.
- Beckoned Wraiths are now properly summoned during every intermission of King Atrigan.
- Putrid Ichor no longer casts Blood Shield.
- Reduced the health regeneration of Horrific Hemorrhage.
- Increased the hitbox size of Fury of N'Zoth.
- Runeforged Spectre: Fear radius reduced to 30 yards.
- Lost Algan: Arcane Bombs now target only 1 player.
New Difficulty: Silver (levels: 5, 6, 7)
New Dungeon: The Eightfold Fence (currently available only on Bronze difficulty)
New Weekly Quest: "Eternals: The Eightfold Fence"
- Complete the dungeon 3 times on any difficulty.
- The Weekly Quest now provides Emissary of War loot-style rewards.
- Satchels from bonus objectives can now contain Exquisite Costume Sets.
- Enemies empowered by Eternal Might now deal significantly less damage and have reduced health.
- Resolved an issue where Dungeoneer achievements counted completions from any difficulty. Silver/Gold achievements and rewards have been reset.
- Fixed a bug displaying the weekly quest as daily.
- Resolved an issue where Bloodlust and similar effects could be improperly stacked.
- Auras that modify the scale of your character are now suppressed in the Veiled Market.
- Nostwin now offers five new flasks in exchange for Echoes of Mortality:
- Flask that conjures an Eternal Anima Cell to bolster your power.
- Flask that amplifies Timewalker Knowledge abilities for 1 hour.
- Flask that doubles the duration of Bloodlust and similar effects on you for 1 hour (persists through death).
- Flask that unleashes a spark of Azerite Energy upon death (1-hour duration, consumed on death).
- Flask that inflicts you with the curse of a random shrine for 1 hour.
- Completing a dungeon will automatically convert any Echoes of Mortality in your bags into a random Eternal Flask (provided you have enough echoes to buy them).
- Costs for items sold by Nostwin have increased.
Timeless Scrolls:
- Can no longer stack.
- Now persist through death.
Unstable Anomalies:
- Now have a chance to reward a random Eternal Flask.
- Guaranteed to drop a rare or epic Anima Power.
Arcane Sight: Duration increased from 2 minutes to 5 minutes.
Certain rare creatures now call for help from similar enemies when engaged.
Added Transmogrifier and Void Storage NPCs to the HUB.
- Bonus Objectives now grant additional rewards:
1x Echo of Reality 2x Echoes of Time
- Tertiary Infusions costs reduced to 25x Echoes of Time. (was 50)
- The Illusion: Sha Corruption is now usable.
- The loot drop rate for Unstable Anomalies has been increased.
- The Echoes of Creation vendor now offers bags of general goods for sale.
- Echoes of Mortality are now looted automatically.
- Players will no longer be teleported out of the instance upon login, preventing the loss of anima powers due to server crashes or restarts.
- Solo players inside the instance will now be teleported to the HUB.
- The appearance rate of Anima Powers has been reduced.
- Fortification Protocol now correctly reduces damage taken by the rare.
- Unstable Crystals now grant a maximum of one stack of Foresight of the Fractured per crystal.
- Dying in Uncharted Territory now moves your corpse to a graveyard.
- The ooze summoned by the Coagulated Blood anima power can no longer be attacked by players.
- Fixed a bug that allowed some mounts to fly within instances.
- Dusty Flankers will now attack when their leader is engaged.
- Nightmare Tendrils no longer summon Blightborn Sludges or keep players in combat. They will cast Twisted Nova only when a player is nearby.
- Devmorta's Plasma Explosion ability now deals reduced damage.
- The Hallow Roots debuff is now removed when The Devourer resets or is defeated.