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Greetings, everyone!
The most anticipated content release is here: Season 3 - Guardians of the Dream!
Patch 10.2.0 will be released on October 21st 2024!
Patch 10.2 introduces the long-awaited Emerald Dream as a fully explorable zone.The Emerald Dream is essentially Azeroth in its most unspoiled, natural state, a blueprint of the world as it was intended to be by the Titans.
As the main hub of the patch, here you will find tons of activities such as:
- Public Events (Superbloom, Emerald Frenzy, Emerald Bounty)
- New World Boss
- New faction: Dream Wardens
The fate of the new World Tree can’t be secured until Fyrakk and his molten army are defeated.
Featuring 9 bosses, this raid continues the storyline of Dragonflight, culminating with the final boss, Fyrakk.
As before, you may obtain Tier items from this raid, along with some unique items.
Amirdrassil is also the place where you begin the epic journey for obtaining the Legendary Axe: Fyr’alath, the Dream Render.
Available Bosses:
- Gnarlroot
- Igira the Cruel
- Volcoross
- Council of Dreams: Urctos, Aerwynn, Pip
- Larodar, Keeper of the Flame
- Nymue, Weaver of the Cycle
- Smolderon, the Firelord
- Tindral Sageswift, Seer of the Flame
- Fyrakk, the Blazing
If you want to learn more about each boss mechanic, we recommend visiting
Amirdrassil will be available on LFR, Normal and Heroic on release. Mythic will come soon after!
A new season with new rewards, challenges and dungeons begins for Mythic :
Dawn of the Infinite: Galakrond's Fall (Dragonflight)
Dawn of the Infinite: Murozond's Rise (Dragonflight)
Waycrest Manor (Battle for Azeroth)
Atal'Dazar (Battle for Azeroth)
Darkheart Thicket (Legion)
Black Rook Hold (Legion)
The Everbloom (Warlords of Draenor)
Throne of the Tides (Cataclysm)
An enhanced Catalyst system lets you unlock your tier set even faster, gearing up more efficiently for the challenges ahead!
Important: The Weekly Vault will not be available during the release week due to season change!
DRAGONFLIGHT SEASON 3 - PvP (Verdant Gladiator)
The new “Verdant Gladiator” Season brings large PvP changes, new gear, additional item changes, class balances and new ways to upgrade your gear!
The item level cap has been increased.
Conquest and Bloody Tokens are being reset with the launch of Season 3.
With this occasion, our current Season 2 will end on October 20th 2024.
Fyr'alath is a Legendary Strength weapon intended for Death Knights, Paladins, and Warriors.
There are two ways of Fyr'alath the Dreamrender dropping: Personal Loot and Master Loot.
Personal Loot
Defeating Fyrakk on any difficulty has a chance to drop Fyr'alath the Dreamrender as personal push loot with higher difficulties having a significantly increased drop chance. Defeating Fyrakk on any difficulty automatically includes the drop chance of all lower difficulties.
Bad Luck Protection exists from the start this time with Greater Ember of Fyr'alath and Lesser Ember of Fyr'alath.
Master Loot
The weapon can still randomly drop from Mythic Fyrakk and can thus be assigned to any member of the kill!
Once obtained, an epic questline begins which will eventually allow you to equip the weapon without dying, fortunately.
If you want to learn more, check out this Wowhead Guide.
Instead of unlocking the questline after the first Mythic Fyrakk kill, we will unlock it 2 weeks after the first Heroic Fyrakk Kill!
The Dream calls and you must answer!
The Dragonflight Campaign continues into the Emerald Dream as we try to stop Fyrakk, cut down his influence, and explore this mythical zone.
The questline starts with Call of the Dream, where you will meet with everyone by the Ancient Bought in Ohn'ahran Plains. You must have completed The Coalition of Flames questline in Patch 10.1.7 to gain access to this quest. In there, you will meet with Alexstrasza, Ysera, Merithra, Vyranoth, Tyrande, Kalecgos, Khadgar, and the Khan Matra of the Maruuk Centaur.
One of the most notable rewards of this campaign is the new mount Flourishing Whimsydrake.
Patch 10.2 includes major reworks especially for Rogues and Demon Hunters,but all classes had their fair share of changes.
We also have Druid Moonkin Form customizations and animations!
Here's a few links if you are interested in all changes:
Public Events
The Emerald Dream will feature a new set of public events which work together in a cycle.
The location of this event is the Central Encampment.
There, you will encounter Sprucecrown, the central figure of this activity. However, keep in mind that the Superbloom begins automatically every hour. You can still join at any time by heading to the location marked with a horn icon.
Emerald Frenzy
This is a mini-event that is part of the Superbloom event. It starts right after a Superbloom ends and lasts for 10 minutes. During this time, mobs in the area are empowered. Defeat them to earn Emerald Bounty currency!
Emerald Bounty
Plant seeds and reap the rewards. The more folks participating, the more bounty for all.
New World Boss
Aurostor the Hibernating, with an unique encounter style.
New Faction: Dream Wardens
Guardians of this verdant new zone and protectors of the World Tree, Amirdrassil. This faction offers 20 renown ranks. To gain 1 renown, you will need to gather 2,500 reputation points.
As usual, you will have daily and weekly sources to gain reputation. Naturally, this reputation will unlock access to NPCs who offer a variety of items for sale.
Check this link for more specific information about this new faction.
New Abilities: Second Wind, Wind's Respite, Swift Skimming
New races and world quests in the Emerald Dream
A new Dragonriding mount, the Flourishing Whimsydrake, available through the continuing campaign questline.
Tier Sets
New amazing tier sets and effects are available in 10.2. Take a look at their effects and models here.
Your favorite Tauren will return for an entire week to get you well-prepared for Patch 10.2!
Boost a character to Level 60 for free, get some gear to help you along the way, plus other cool perks.
But you must be wise with your choices! Boris can only help a single character on your account.

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