Stay informed about news of the server

Greetings, players!
After five months, it is time to say goodbye to the current Season 3! This Season will end many things, such as the Cosmic Gladiator PvP Season, the current Mythic affix (Encrypted) and the current pool of Mythic dungeons. However, this doesn't mean the adventure ends here...
Season 4 will bring a few new and exciting, interesting things. First, the new PvP Season, called Eternal Gladiator, will start. The Season will also get a whole new pool of Mythic dungeons, a New Affix (Shrouded) and a new mechanic to all currently existing SL raids and World Bosses called Fated! Despite not adding new dungeons or raids, this will add new content to all existing content, having new ways to re-experiment all the content, with new challenges to overcome!
This new Season will be implemented in Oribos and start on Monday, May 8th, at 10:00!
As always, we will dig deep into each feature of this Season. Let's go!
Season 3 ends, and Season 4 starts! This new Season will bring two big things to the realm, which will be thoroughly detailed next. The first one is a new feature called Fated Raids, where players will have a new challenge for all the old raids from Shadowlands and better rewards. The second one is a new Mythic dungeon pool, but this time, many dungeons come from old expansions such as BFA, Legion and Draenor! This Season will be perfect for reliving old content and finding a new challenge in old content!
Of course, this new Season will have recent obtainable achievements and rewards based on the seasonal Mythic Rating achieved at any point during the Season:
- Shadowlands Keystone Explorer: Season Four: Attain a Mythic Rating of at least 750 during Shadowlands Season Four.
- Shadowlands Keystone Conqueror: Season Four: Attain a Mythic Rating of at least 1500 during Shadowlands Season Four.
- Title reward: %s the Shrouded.
- Shadowlands Keystone Master: Season Four: Attain a Mythic Rating of at least 2000 during Shadowlands Season Four.
- Mount reward: Restoration Deathwalker
Since this was already applied before, there will be no Valor Cap during the following Season, and it will remain like this with no changes.
This new feature is one of the central core mechanics of Season 4. Thanks to this new mechanic, even previous Shadowlands Raids and World Booses will become relevant again, adding a new challenge to all the previously visited places.
Each week, a new rotation of raids and World Bosses will be applied, in which one raid and the World bosses associated with that raid will become Fated:
During the first week of the release of Season 4, the raid Castle Nathria will start the cycle as Fated, while the other raids will remain untouched. Because of this, one of the World bosses associated with the raid's zone will also become Fated: Valinor, Mortanis, Oranomonos the Everbranching or Nurgash Muckformed.
After the first week, the next raid, Sanctum of Domination, will become fated. The World Boss Mor'geth in the Maw will also be Fated.
After that, the next raid will be Sepulcher of the First Ones, with the World Boss Antros in Zereth Mortis becoming Fated for that week.
After that, the cycle will start again, Castle Nathria will be Fated, and so on!
But what does Fated mean? What does it change? First, Fated will be a new mode that will be applied to every difficult mode of the raid, which means that the raid will have Fated Raid Finder, Fated Normal, Fated Heroic and Fated Mythic, respectively. Each difficult mode will have its rewards and associated achievements. Here, you can see a table of the rewards depending on what modality you are doing each raid:
Note: The items obtained from Fated World Booses will have a fixed item level of 285, and the highest iLvl for each raid will only be dropped from the final 2 - 3 bosses of each raid.
It will also increase the item level of the Conduits looted:
When a raid is Fated, the enemies will be stronger, and new mechanics will be present during the encounter. Think about this as if the raid was on Mythic mode, with affixes that will determine the course of the raid. While only one Fated Power will usually be available at all times, a second one can be activated using the Titan Console at the start of each raid: Chaotic Essence, Creation Spark, Protoform Barrier and Reconfiguration Emitter.
More information about it can be seen in this guide.
This new mechanic will bring new challenges to players and, obviously, achievements for those capable of overcoming them. In addition, some will get unique titles, teleports to raids, and even a unique mount!
The Fated mechanic will also bring a new way to upgrade the newly obtained Fated Items to their version in Heroic and Mythic using Cyphers obtained from looting bosses in those difficulty modes. You will also be able to acquire specific pieces directly using the elusive Puzzling Cartel Dinars and spending them on specific sellers around the Great Vault in Oribos!
This guide has more information about upgrading and purchasing items using these resources.
When the next Season starts, we will have a change in the entire pool of dungeons! As a difference from the previous seasons, this one will have a pool of dungeons from past expansions. The first six dungeons are both wings of the mega-dungeons released in past expansions (Tazavesh from Shadowlands, Operation: Mechagon from Battle for Azeroth, and Return to Karazhan from Legion), as well as two dungeons from the Warlords of Draenor expansion!
The list of dungeons is as follows:
- Tazavesh: Streets of Wonder, from Shadowlands
- Tazavesh: So'leah’s Gambit, from Shadowlands
- Operation Mechagon: Junkyard, from Battle for Azeroth
- Operation Mechagon: Workshop, from Battle for Azeroth
- Return to Karazhan: Lower, from Legion
- Return to Karazhan: Upper, from Legion
- Grimrail Depot, from Warlords of Draenor
- Iron Docks, from Warlords of Draenor
On top of that, there will be a new Seasonal Affix for Mythic , and it'll be Shrouded!
This new affix will spawn an NPC from Cartel Ta at the beginning of each dungeon. This NPC will show bounties to hunt dreadlords inside the dungeon, rewarding stacks of secondary stat bonuses, which will last for the duration of the dungeon! Players will get one stat or another depending on the type of bounty.
This will cause certain NPCs to be replaced by dreadlords with visual aura, making them easier to spot.
There's more to cover about this affix, so we recommend players check out this guide.
There will be several achievements for completing different dungeons on a Mythic Level 20 or more within the time limit. Each achievement (for Grimrail Depot, Iron Docks, Return to Karazhan, Operation: Mechagon and Tazavesh) will also grant a teleport portal so you can go there immediately.
With the end of Season 3 on Oribos, the Cosmic Gladiator season will finish, and in its place, the Eternal Gladiator Season will be active on the server. This means ending the current Season 3 and distributing all the rewards to the winners, including seasonal rewards and Firestorm points!
You can find a post here detailing all the rewards that will be distributed and the tiers of winners.
With this new Season, we will restart the leaderboards, and the Season should remain active for the next 5 to 6 months. It will also bring a significant gain on the item level of the PvP items.
Here you can see a table of the new iLvl for the Eternal Gladiator items:
Everything else should remain the same. However, this guide shows you all the information about the costs of upgrading items and sellers.
Of course, he is! After spending a few weeks hunting Easter Eggs and having fun, he's back to aid players on their adventures during this new Season! And what better way to do this than offering a Character Level boost to Level 60 with essential gear? It may not be much, but it's honest work. And did we mention that he's doing it for free? However, he'll be gone by May 15th, so don't wait too much! He will boost one character per account starting on May 8th; the perfect opportunity to try a new character class!
He will also be waiting on every other expansion, giving a character boost on each realm. If you want to try older expansions, this is a good opportunity!
And that will be all for the content of this new Season! Although it does not have unique content per se (regarding newly released dungeons or raids), this new system will allow players to have a new challenge in many different places, with improved rewards and achievements! We will monitor the progress of the best guilds in terms of Fated raids and the best players during this Eternal Gladiator's PvP season. We hope to see a lot of players giving their all to be on top of the lists and become the best of the best!
Very soon, we will start talking about our current development of Dragonflight. Do not worry, we've already developed quite some content, but we want to wait a bit more before we can start hyping you guys with the new expansion.
Let's end this expansion with the culmination of Season 4! Until then, we hope you have a fantastic week, and we'll see you soon!
The Firestorm Team