Patch note
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Greetings, players!
Since before the release of Mythic mode on the Sepulcher of the First Ones, our devs have been already developing the content for the next Season: the Eternal one!
The next Season will not bring any new, never-seen-before raids or dungeons. Still, it will implement new and exciting mechanics for every raid, change the rotation of the Mythic dungeons (so the current dungeons will change for new ones), and even bring a new affix (Shrouded)! Of course, it is way too soon to talk about ETA, but we would like to share the current status of the development of every feature that will soon be implemented on the server!
Of course, this post will not describe how each feature will work on the server and the details of them, but it will rather focus on the current development status and tests performed on them. Let's get started!
We are going to group the status of development of each feature by sections:
- Fated Raids and World Bosses: This is going surprisingly well! Although the Fated Affix itself needs more work and tests, everything else (raids, World Bosses, Fated upgrade system, new interface, raid/world boss rotation, and vendors) is working and has been tested! For now, the developer team needs to add the achievements, titles, mount rewards, and the raid teleporters to be good, and finish working on the affix itself for the bosses (raid ones and World ones), and then the tests on those will start. The new S4 items are being tested for now, and they seem to be looking good so far!
- New Mythic Dungeons: This new season will bring a new rotation of Mythic dungeons, and for now, all of them have been scripted, and tests have already started in there! All the items obtained from Mythic are still to be tested. The new Seasonal Affix has been scripted but needs heavy tests.
- New PvE Season: With the new season, all the items will increase iLvL (especially the ones obtained through the Fated feature on raids). Tests have started on all the items, including the class and tier sets. The new achievements related to the new season (including Mythic ones) are still being worked on, and tests will start shortly after they are scripted (since some Mythic dungeons are still being worked on, some achievements and rewards cannot be tested yet).
- New PvP Season: This will bring the Eternal Gladiator sets, mounts, and titles. It will also mean new items and achievements to check, including vendors. The entire feature is ready, and when the new season starts, everything will be updated: The vendors and the new PvP rewards will be available for everyone!
- Class balancing: About the classes, when we released patch 9.2.0 on the server, we applied all the S4 changes that blizzard applied, preventing many classes from unbalancing during that season. However, we will still look to fix spells and mechanics if there are any like that!
That's everything we have for now. But don't worry, as a Content Update post is on its way, where we will describe every feature that will come with Season 4, so everyone is familiar with what's about to come and what to expect from this new Season!
The Firestorm Team