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Stay informed about news of the server

February 12, 2024
Content patch 10.0.5 Arrives!
May 2, 2024 19:31:14
How can your G. M arbitrarily block my accountMy account saw a Death Knight named lllinos, and he permanently banned me without doing anything. My account is: Please take a look at my data. I didn't do anything and he banned me when he saw it!The funniest thing is that when I used my big account to go back to the place where he banned me, he didn't say a word and even used my big account to freeze me forever! How can you do this? Who dares to make purchases and promotions on your server? There's no guarantee at all!
<Vampire Covenant>
March 29, 2024 09:44:59
We need Boris to pay us a visit :(
March 4, 2024 17:00:53
Mas parches y mas errores, acaben de arreglar los errores pasados, por ejemplo el Chaman MEJORA esta BUG y no tiene la abilidad o la inteligencia para arreglarlo, la maestria esta BUG, traciende el mismo error q desde Shadowland, saltamos de parche con errores y mas errores...Revisen al CHAMAN MEJORA
<Pirates Of Booty Bay>
February 24, 2024 20:38:29
Hey guys,I can't seem to update to 10.0.05 trough the launcher.How can I update the game ? Its 10.1.7 still.Any info would be appreciated!
<The Revolution>
February 24, 2024 19:54:38
pongan la guja lunar de centinela, desde hace años estoy esperando que la pongan....
estan borrando los comentarios........................................
<Armata Brancaleone>
February 21, 2024 09:52:27
non riesco a connettermi il server e bloccato?
February 19, 2024 13:13:59
My client version is How can I ensure compatibility?
February 15, 2024 23:25:36
I haven't been keeping up, how many updates until solo dungeons?
<Vampire Covenant>
February 15, 2024 17:20:55
When will Boris appear?
<Roman Empire>
February 15, 2024 13:11:14
Valor farm