Ready for Legion!
DejaCharacterStats provides an updated and logical display of the character stats.
Please see the screenshots to see the result.
Item Level Display Logic:
DCS displays the hidden item Level display for characters below level 90.
Attributes Display Logic:
Damage if melee or Hunter
Attack Power if melee or Hunter
Attack Speed if melee or Hunter
Spellpower if mana caster
Mana Regen if mana caster
Energy Regen if Rogue, Guardian/Feral Druid, or Windwalker/Brewmaster Monk
Rune Regen if Death Knight
Focus Regen if Hunter
Movement Speed
Enhancements Display Logic
Critical Strike
Haste (Global CD shown on tooltip)
Dodge if tank
Parry if tank class that uses it
Block if tank class that uses it
Left Side Options Are Global:
Equipped/Available: Displays Equipped/Available item levels unless equal.
Decimals: Displays "Enhancements" category stats to two decimal places.
Durability: Displays the average Durability percentage for equipped items in the stat frame.
Repair Total: Displays the Repair Total before discounts for equipped items in the stat frame.
Durability Bars: Displays a durability bar next to each item under 100% durability for a quick visual reference.
Average Durability: Displays on the character shirt slot the total average of all equipped gear.
Durability & Repair: Displays each item's durability and repair cost.
Scrollbar: Displays a scrollbar to the side of the stat panel.
Right Side Options Are Per Character:
Show All Stats: Displays all stats. Unchecked displays relevant stats.
Select-A-Stat™: Provides check boxes to let you choose which stats YOU want to see with DCS!
Install to your addon directory and login to WoW.
Slash Commands:
/dcstats: Display the DejaCharacterStats slash commands
/dcstats config: Open the DejaCharacterStats addon config menu.
/dcstats reset: Resets DejaCharacterStats frames to default positions.
I would be remiss if I did not thank everyone that has helped make DCS possible: wizardanim, Lombra, myrroddin, Darth_Predator, sirann, Kakjens, all of the localization translator volunteers, the WoW Interface forum members and /r/wow! Thank you!
Important Stat Table Related Stuff (in order of importance)
Review and implement a secure way for dynamic stat table creation and or injection/insertion/removal syntax. Investigate lua recursion versus loops for stat tables (I forget what I was thinking here for recursion, lol).
Order stats, global default, per spec defaults, savable/loadable profiles and Mega-Mini Stats(All stats displayed in the same frame)
Make a dropdown for the Select-A-Stat so people can choose their stat order and which category it is in and even create new categories.
Fix no attributes stats selected enhance stats reference bug. If no Attributes category stats are selected but while some Enhancement stats are selected then there is an error because the Enhancement category anchors to the Attributes category in the default Blizzard code.
The scrollbar is bonkers ATM because some event keeps firing to make it reset to default. I also need to make scrolling based on the number of stats shown. These three things are tied together.
Other things to do
Damage per second stat or mouseover tooltip on Damage:
Option to show rating as opposed to a percentage(for enhancements stats) for Rogues and other classes.
Repair costs appear to be caching the cost of the faction of the last repair window opened. I need to make it consistent, probably reset it and then get repair cost after leaving a vendor to re-cache default, non-discount values.
Look into Movement Speed updating properly, events, if not then make an "OnUpdate" loop. This is a Blizzard bug, as acknowledged in their own code, and may require an "OnUpdate" loop if it is not too egregious. It appears to be acceptable, but we have not flown in Broken Isles yet. Stormwind is also noticeable.
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Sylvanas & Greymane
Deja Character Stats

Ready for Legion!
DejaCharacterStats provides an updated and logical display of the character stats.
Please see the screenshots to see the result.
Item Level Display Logic:
DCS displays the hidden item Level display for characters below level 90.
Attributes Display Logic:
Damage if melee or Hunter
Attack Power if melee or Hunter
Attack Speed if melee or Hunter
Spellpower if mana caster
Mana Regen if mana caster
Energy Regen if Rogue, Guardian/Feral Druid, or Windwalker/Brewmaster Monk
Rune Regen if Death Knight
Focus Regen if Hunter
Movement Speed
Enhancements Display Logic
Critical Strike
Haste (Global CD shown on tooltip)
Dodge if tank
Parry if tank class that uses it
Block if tank class that uses it
Left Side Options Are Global:
Equipped/Available: Displays Equipped/Available item levels unless equal.
Decimals: Displays "Enhancements" category stats to two decimal places.
Durability: Displays the average Durability percentage for equipped items in the stat frame.
Repair Total: Displays the Repair Total before discounts for equipped items in the stat frame.
Durability Bars: Displays a durability bar next to each item under 100% durability for a quick visual reference.
Average Durability: Displays on the character shirt slot the total average of all equipped gear.
Durability & Repair: Displays each item's durability and repair cost.
Scrollbar: Displays a scrollbar to the side of the stat panel.
Right Side Options Are Per Character:
Show All Stats: Displays all stats. Unchecked displays relevant stats.
Select-A-Stat™: Provides check boxes to let you choose which stats YOU want to see with DCS!
Install to your addon directory and login to WoW.
Slash Commands:
/dcstats: Display the DejaCharacterStats slash commands
/dcstats config: Open the DejaCharacterStats addon config menu.
/dcstats reset: Resets DejaCharacterStats frames to default positions.
I would be remiss if I did not thank everyone that has helped make DCS possible: wizardanim, Lombra, myrroddin, Darth_Predator, sirann, Kakjens, all of the localization translator volunteers, the WoW Interface forum members and /r/wow! Thank you!
Important Stat Table Related Stuff (in order of importance)
Review and implement a secure way for dynamic stat table creation and or injection/insertion/removal syntax. Investigate lua recursion versus loops for stat tables (I forget what I was thinking here for recursion, lol).
Order stats, global default, per spec defaults, savable/loadable profiles and Mega-Mini Stats(All stats displayed in the same frame)
Make a dropdown for the Select-A-Stat so people can choose their stat order and which category it is in and even create new categories.
Fix no attributes stats selected enhance stats reference bug. If no Attributes category stats are selected but while some Enhancement stats are selected then there is an error because the Enhancement category anchors to the Attributes category in the default Blizzard code.
The scrollbar is bonkers ATM because some event keeps firing to make it reset to default. I also need to make scrolling based on the number of stats shown. These three things are tied together.
Other things to do
Damage per second stat or mouseover tooltip on Damage:
Option to show rating as opposed to a percentage(for enhancements stats) for Rogues and other classes.
Repair costs appear to be caching the cost of the faction of the last repair window opened. I need to make it consistent, probably reset it and then get repair cost after leaving a vendor to re-cache default, non-discount values.
Look into Movement Speed updating properly, events, if not then make an "OnUpdate" loop. This is a Blizzard bug, as acknowledged in their own code, and may require an "OnUpdate" loop if it is not too egregious. It appears to be acceptable, but we have not flown in Broken Isles yet. Stormwind is also noticeable.
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