
1 мнения
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What is Gladius?
Gladius adds enemy unit frames to arenas for easier targeting and focusing. It is highly configurable and you can disable most features of this addon.

Uses the 3.0 Arena Unit IDs, this enables full functionality even if the enemy is seen first while in combat.
General arena unit frame features:
HP bar + Text
Mana bar + Text
Cast bar + Text
Class icon
PvP trinket status:
Five display options:
Name icon.
Name text.
Big icon (big, scalable icon to the right).
Small icon (small icon to the right on top of the mana bar).
Grid-style icon (colored square to the right on top of the mana bar that turns red when the trinket has been used).
Target of Target - displays a class icon representing the enemy's target.
You can click on the icon to target your enemy's target or use mouseover macros.
New enemy announcement - announces new enemies.
Trinket announcement - announces when the trinket is used/is ready again.
Drinking announecment.
Enemies on low health - announces enemies that are about to die, you can set the percentage yourself.
Aura announcement - announces aura used.
Cooldown announcement - announces cooldown used.
Auras - shows important buffs and debuffs on the arena enemies.
You can add/delete/edit auras via the configuration screen.
Cooldown Tracker - shows enemy cooldowns
You can enable/disable single cooldowns or entire classes, set an announce type or sound on cooldown used.
DR Tracker - shows diminishing returns on the arena enemies.
You can enable/disable single diminishing returns types or show/hide the diminishing returns value.
Click actions - you can select what is going to happen when you click on a Gladius button.
Ten editable click actions.
Three modifiers: SHIFT, CTRL and ALT.
Four different action types: Target, Focus, Cast Spell and Macro.
Slash commands

/gladius ui/config/options - displays the configuration screen.
/gladius test1-5 - shows a test frame with the chosen amount of test units.
/gladius hide - hides the test frame.
Alpha and Beta releases


Macros are meant for the more advanced users, since you'd need to use "*unit" (short for the UnitID of the enemy) for a macro to work. To cast Polymorph on the enemy and print out the name of the enemy in the party chat you would have to do:

/cast [target=*unit] Polymorph

/script SendChatMessage(UnitName("*unit"), "PARTY")

Will you ever have Gladius function in a non-arena environment?

- No, Gladius is meant for arenas only and it'll stay that way.

Can I hide that annoying header ("Gladius - drag to move")?

- Yes, simply lock the Gladius frame.

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