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Greetings, everyone!
Get ready for new content on Firestorm: Season 4 - Seeds of Renewal!
Patch 10.2.7 arrives February 17th 2025!
The Mythic Dungeon pool for Season 4 has players returning to all of the dungeons introduced with the Dragonflight expansion:
- Ruby Life Pools
- Brackenhide Hollow
- The Nokhud Offensive
- Uldaman: Legacy of Tyr
- Neltharus
- The Azure Vault
- Halls of Infusion
- Algeth'ar Academy
Mythic keystone levels will behave differently from what players have seen in previous seasons with the introduction of Dungeon level squish. More info below.
Important: The Weekly Vault will not be available due to season change!
DRAGONFLIGHT SEASON 4 - PvP (Draconic Gladiator)
Dragonflight Season 4 PvP introduces some new mounts, achievements, and titles that players will be able to earn.
The item level cap has been increased.
Conquest and Bloody Tokens are being reset with the launch of Season 4.
The Dragonflight Season 4 Gladiator mount is the Draconic Gladiator's Drake. Like previous Dragonflight seasons, Season 4 rewards a Dragonriding Transformation,
Highland Drake: Embodiment of the Draconic Gladiator.
With this occasion, our current Season 3 will end on February 16th 2025.
Previous raids are now Awakened and will return offering a higher level of difficulty and better loot!
Every weekly reset, one of the Dragonflight raids will become Awakened for the duration of that week. When a raid becomes Awakened, its difficulty will increase and drop higher item level loot. To see which Dragonflight raid is Awakened for the week, look to the Adventure Guide.
- Week 1: Awakened Vault of the Incarnates
- Week 2: Awakened Aberrus, the Shadowed Crucible
- Week 3: Awakened Amirdrassil, the Dream's Hope
- Week 4: Awakened Vault of the Incarnates
- Week 5: Awakened Aberrus, the Shadowed Crucible
- Week 6: Awakened Amirdrassil, the Dream's Hope
- Week 7: All Dragonflight Raids will be Awakened.
- Raid Finder - 480/489 ilvl
- Normal - 493/502 ilvl
- Heroic - 506/515 ilvl
- Mythic - 519/528 ilvl
Awakening the Dragonflight Raids
Complete all three Awakened raids on Normal difficulty or higher in Dragonflight Season 4.
Reward: Voyaging Wilderling Mount
Heroic: Awakening the Dragonflight Raids
Complete all three Awakened raids on Heroic difficulty or higher in Dragonflight Season 4.
Reward: Awakened Hero Title
Mythic: Awakening the Dragonflight Raids
Complete all three Awakened raids on Mythic difficulty or higher in Dragonflight Season 4.
Reward: Dragonflight Raid Teleports: Path of the Primal Prison,
Path of the Bitter Legacy,
Path of the Scorching Dream
Dungeon difficulty is being reworked in Season 4!
Heroic dungeons will now match Mythic 0 difficulty, while Mythic 0 will scale to M 10 difficulty but with no timer or affixes.
Following this pattern, a new 5 will feel like today’s 15, with loot updated accordingly.
So here's what will be different for Mythic :
- The Mythic system will now have rewards up to level 10.
- Affixes will be available at 2, 5, and 10.
- Dungeon ratings will be equivalent to the current system.
Nasz'uro, the Unbound Legacy and Fyr'alath the Dreamrender will be able to be upgraded to a Season 4 item level using Scales of Awakening bought with Bullions.
Legendary items will drop as usual from raids, but players who have previously obtained them can purchase a Scale of Awakening to upgrade their items to the Season 4 ilvls (base is 502 and can be upgraded further through Crests and Flightstones).
To begin your legendary upgrade, you'll need to locate the Scale of Awakening. Head over to the Parting Glass Inn in Valdrakken, where you'll find the vendor NPC Iszinormi. This vendor holds the key to unlocking the potential of your legendary weapon. The Scale of Awakening can be purchased from Iszinormi, and it requires 2 Antique Bronze Bullions as currency.
The Antique Bronze Bullions are a valuable currency in Season 4. Similar to the Dinars from Shadowlands, you can acquire Bullions by defeating Awakened bosses.
Use it to buy powerful gear from all Dragonflight raids. You'll be able to earn one Bullion a week per character with the cap rising by one each week.
There are four vendors located in the Parting Glass on the east side of Valdrakken. Three of these vendors are dedicated to each of the Dragonflight raids. The fourth vendor exclusively sells cosmetic weapon appearances.
Here's what you can buy:
Weapons, trinkets, and cantrip items are being sold for two
Antique Bronze Bullion each.
These vendors include the
Scale of Awakening legendary upgrade item also for two
Antique Bronze Bullion.
Cosmetic weapon appearances cost one
Antique Bronze Bullion each.
These vendor items drop on a new Awakened upgrade track, allowing them to be upgraded all the way to their max Mythic item level.
Awakened Tempostone can be used to purchase Dragonflight Season 4 Tier set armor. In the Parting Glass on the east side of Valdrakken will be a vendor named Runaagos, the Neurotic Novelist. You can exhange
Awakened Tempostone for a piece of Dragonflight Season 4 Tier set armor. The difficulty of the Awakened raid in which the omni-token was obtained from will influence the item level and upgrade track of the Tier set armor:
LFR (Veteran 3/8) - 486 ilvl
Normal (Champion 3/8) - 499 ilvl
Heroic (Hero 3/6) - 512 ilvl
Mythic (Myth 3/4) - 525 ilvl
As a bonus, the Revival Catalyst now recharges by one with every weekly reset!
Your favorite Tauren will return for an entire week in Patch 10.2.7!
Boost a character to Level 60 for free, get some gear to help you along the way, plus other cool perks.
But you must be wise with your choices! Boris can only help a single character on your account.

please help me to join the game but i get just wow51900312

Googel nach dem Fehlercode ich mein war bei mir auch so, habs dann im forum gefunden , irgendwas mit ne datei name umbehnennen , aber nicht mehr sicher.