Realm: Sylvanas[RU]
Character (name, faction, level...): Дельвин, Horde, 110
Difficult mode of the instance in which you found this issue:
Complete description of your issue (do not forget to specify the issue, all conditions for making the issue to happen, and if the issue is related to a phase, specify the phase in which you found this issue): My heirloom achievment doesnt complete, even for 1 herlooom item, so i can't get Chopper with a driver.
Steps for reproducing the issue:
Please write an in-game ticket, if you have not done so yet, asking for the item ID 120968 for Horde or ID 122703 for Alliance.
Report can be CLOSED: duplicate report of
Duplicate post, i close this one.
statut changé de report confirmé à invalide