report : Call Dreadstalkers (speed)

Details du report

Titre : Call Dreadstalkers (speed)
Statut : 2
Date de création : 25 November 2016
Dernière modification : 12 February 2017 14:38:37
extension :
catégorie : Classes
sous-catégorie : Démoniste
Support : - - -
priorité : haute
note :
25 0
Call Dreadstalkers (speed)
25 November 2016 18:27:20


Jpman (Alliance, Human, copied from WoD)


ISSUE: when you they walk really slow to the target if target moves faster or you're facing a caster at 30yds he can just run away till Dreadstalkers banish, dealing up to 0 damage.

According to comments in this spell from wowhead:

"The devs told us exactly how 7.0 Dreadstalkers works at the link(s) below.

I'm pasting it here as they typically delete the beta forums after release.
Dreadstalkers run at 9 yds/sec (base player movement speed is 7). Their leap travels at 7.5x speed."

That leap is the one they should do after summoned, then walk at normal speed.

informations supplémentaires
Call Dreadstalkers (speed)
25 November 2016 20:11:28

statut changé de nouveau report à report confirmé

Call Dreadstalkers (speed)
16 January 2017 00:49:37

the dmg is low too, they are biting 2-3k should be way more

Call Dreadstalkers (speed)
16 January 2017 09:41:40

If i'm not mistaking, each dreadstalker should hit for damage, equal to the caster's intelligence, and Shadow Bite should be dealing 3 times the basic attack of the dreadstalker as shadow damage.... Which currently hits 3k.... best 2 soul shards spent :D

Call Dreadstalkers (speed)
16 January 2017 11:08:41

entaire Made an adjournment(transfer), ticket for this bug by putting links wowhead and more details possible describing the problem thanks to you

Call Dreadstalkers (speed)
17 January 2017 20:49:48


Call Dreadstalkers (speed)
26 January 2017 23:52:46

How is this still not fixed >.>

Call Dreadstalkers (speed)
9 February 2017 22:57:19

news ?

Call Dreadstalkers (speed)
11 February 2017 16:26:56

i hate that one of the most bugged specs in the game right now has not been worked on for the past 2 changelogs, and not only that, but they said they fixed demonic empowerment, but that aint fixed either. caster demons still cast as if Demo empowerment wasnt cast....i've been looking for the post but cant find it..

Call Dreadstalkers (speed)
12 February 2017 14:38:37


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