report : Report Player Away - not working

Details du report

Titre : Report Player Away - not working
Statut : 2
Date de création : 19 November 2016
Dernière modification : 27 December 2016 20:11:53
extension :
catégorie : Champs de bataille
sous-catégorie : - - -
Support : - - -
priorité : normal
note :
4 0
Report Player Away - not working
19 November 2016 16:47:19

Realm: Sylvanas

Character (name, faction, level...): Brudd, Alliance, 110

Difficult mode of the instance in which you found this issue: All BGs

Complete description of your issue (do not forget to specify the issue, all conditions for making the issue to happen, and if the issue is related to a phase, specify the phase in which you found this issue): The "Report player Away" feature is not working. We had Tarrana in several BGs now, afking from the beginning to the end, and had no way of getting the afker out so that we could get full amount of players who actually play.

Steps for reproducing the issue:
1) Go to any BG
2) Right click on the afking player, click on "Report player away"
3) Have more players report the afker
4) The afker should be kicked, but remains in the BG

Report Player Away - not working
19 November 2016 18:18:18

statut changé de nouveau report à report confirmé

Report Player Away - not working
27 December 2016 20:11:53

Serait bien de l'avoir car en alterac 40 et 10 afk ça fait beaucoup à ça désavantage

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