report : item - t17 MW 2p

Details du report

Titre : item - t17 MW 2p
Statut : 7
Date de création : 27 September 2016
Dernière modification : 7 November 2016 17:20:41
extension :
catégorie : Classes
sous-catégorie : Moine
Support : - - -
priorité : critique
note :
0 0
item - t17 MW 2p
27 September 2016 14:49:20 is broken : you cant use "vital mists"stacks using Surging mist, so you can have +40% multistrike full time (exploit).

How it should work :

Vital Mists reduces the cast time and mana cost of your next Surging Mist by 20% for each vital mists charges , so when you use on a target , each tick gives you a "vital mists" charge and +5% multistrike but using"surging mist" should consume charges (max 5) .

Ex: I cast shooting mist till I got 7 charges (+35% multi ) , I use Surging Mist , it costs 5 charges , no mana and it's instant (shooting mist or not) and I still have 2 charges on my buff (+10% multi).

item - t17 MW 2p
27 September 2016 14:51:20

Also to consume 5 charges should give 1 chi

item - t17 MW 2p
10 October 2016 23:09:50

statut changé de nouveau report à report confirmé

item - t17 MW 2p
25 October 2016 11:09:48

statut changé de report confirmé à correction à tester

item - t17 MW 2p
7 November 2016 17:20:41

statut changé de correction à tester à résolu