report : Shadow Sight+Stealth

Details du report

Titre : Shadow Sight+Stealth
Statut : 7
Date de création : 2 February 2016
Dernière modification : 10 February 2016 16:18:30
extension :
catégorie : Classes
sous-catégorie : - - -
Support : - - -
priorité : normal
note :
7 0
Shadow Sight+Stealth
2 February 2016 09:26:43

You can still take them while being stealth , your hotfix doesn't work " The orbs of view in arenas now prevent shade to camouflage the wearer"

For rogues , it might have a problems with subterfuge i don't know they can still wait 100% dampening and take the eyes because they can stay stealth.
Hotfix 2013-10-22:
Players who pick up a Shadow Sight orb will be unable to stealth for the duration of the effect.
Introduced to make it harder for stealth teams to purposefully evade combat in order to wait for Dampening to kick in.

informations supplémentaires
Shadow Sight+Stealth
2 February 2016 09:27:20

Please note the "Unable to steatlh" bring back balance to arena please

Shadow Sight+Stealth
3 February 2016 09:20:20

Urgent bug .. Could you fix this so many rogues are hard abusing this atm
Just watch the Rassharom top 2s , the 2 first rogue are hard abusing it .

Shadow Sight+Stealth
3 February 2016 09:47:53

Just fixe that and i go destroy him so hard cuz ofc u can wait 100% damp and ofc u cant see them

Shadow Sight+Stealth
4 February 2016 10:26:28


I tried to reproduce the bug on the live realm (in arena), and the fix works well: I lost my camouflage as soon as I took the orb and couldn't use it again while was on me.

Is another behavior intended?

Shadow Sight+Stealth
4 February 2016 10:26:34

statut changé de nouveau report à en attente d'informations

Shadow Sight+Stealth
4 February 2016 10:37:37

When you say live realm , it's the inter-realm where we play arena ??
Play a rogue with the talent , stay stealh while taking it. It doesn't break , even ferals can do it

Shadow Sight+Stealth
4 February 2016 11:33:26 , here are the proofs , look the buff icon of Shadow sight and camouflage still running

Shadow Sight+Stealth
4 February 2016 11:41:28

Yes it was tested on the inter-realm.

I will try with , it's probably the key.

Shadow Sight+Stealth
4 February 2016 13:09:11

Can you please look while you get the Shadow sight if you can stealth again ? Because obviosly until the buff remains it must be impossible to stealth.

Shadow Sight+Stealth
4 February 2016 15:29:46

Confirmed, made the buff remain even after taking an orb, this is now fixed.

Shadow Sight+Stealth
4 February 2016 15:29:53

statut changé de en attente d'informations à correction à tester

Shadow Sight+Stealth
4 February 2016 17:41:49

Fixed on the PTR realm. Even vanish doesn't make you stealth with the orbs.

Shadow Sight+Stealth
4 February 2016 18:43:14

Nice job , take my cookie.

Shadow Sight+Stealth
9 February 2016 05:35:12

statut changé de correction à tester à correction à revoir

Shadow Sight+Stealth
9 February 2016 05:36:39

Reset all aura on cross-realm instead of stealth aura. People with stances like mons dks or warrior get pretty frustrated by this. Same for hunters.

Shadow Sight+Stealth
9 February 2016 10:47:45

Has been hotfixed on live realm.

Shadow Sight+Stealth
9 February 2016 10:47:50

statut changé de correction à revoir à correction à tester

Shadow Sight+Stealth
10 February 2016 16:18:30

statut changé de correction à tester à résolu