report : Healing Elixirs

Details du report

Titre : Healing Elixirs
Statut : 7
Date de création : 7 June 2016
Dernière modification : 1 August 2016 20:05:49
extension :
catégorie : Classes
sous-catégorie : Moine
Support : CochonHalal
priorité : haute
note :
0 0
Healing Elixirs
7 June 2016 19:35:10

realm :

Not affected by healing reduction effects such as dampening.

informations supplémentaires
Healing Elixirs
8 June 2016 10:18:26

statut changé de nouveau report à report confirmé

Healing Elixirs
9 June 2016 15:09:52

statut changé de report confirmé à correction à tester

Healing Elixirs
9 June 2016 15:09:55

Assigné à Lynix

Healing Elixirs
19 June 2016 12:57:56

C'est peut être parce que c'est pas censé être affecté par la trauma...

Healing Elixirs
19 June 2016 14:39:46

Tous les heals sont affectés par les réductions de soins a part les soins qui sont un % d'autres soins comme Ancestral Awakening du Resto Sham.
Un Heal non affecté par les réductions de soins sa n'existe pas.

Healing Elixirs
24 June 2016 23:40:24

statut changé de correction à tester à résolu

Healing Elixirs
24 June 2016 23:40:24

Assigné à Senyha

Healing Elixirs
20 July 2016 16:28:14

statut changé de résolu à correction à revoir

Healing Elixirs
20 July 2016 16:28:14

Assigné à CochonHalal

Healing Elixirs
20 July 2016 16:28:33

Healing elixir is now affected by battlefatigue while it shouldnt.

Healing Elixirs
20 July 2016 17:09:36

Lol ..

Healing Elixirs
20 July 2016 20:34:35

Lol ? Now Abie listen i know that you are a very decent player with very good knowledge of the game. But sometimes you have to accept the fact that there are players who know much more then you.

Here is the only proof that i need to say : You need to watch it in 0.25 speed.
Watch start at 2:35 and exactly at 2:41 Healing elixir will heal the monk for 83k.
Priest was CC , it's the healing elixir now could you stop please ?

In wow there is Heal and health regeneration this is completly different. In WoTLK there was this spell : as you can see it cleary said "regenerate" . And this spell was not affected by heal reduction.

And Btw i add it now Healing Elixir is not affected by Battlefatigue + Heal reduction(25% pvp)

Healing Elixirs
20 July 2016 20:38:29

get rekt

Healing Elixirs
20 July 2016 20:42:59

I dont know what's happening. But if u are not right with that Abie, speak with proof to avoid some trashtalk like yesterday... And its the same thing for other people. Thanks.

Healing Elixirs
20 July 2016 20:58:08

Hum k

Healing Elixirs
1 August 2016 20:05:49

statut changé de correction à revoir à résolu

Healing Elixirs
1 August 2016 20:06:12
