reporte : [Paladin][Retribution] Sword of light

Detalles del reporte

Título : [Paladin][Retribution] Sword of light
Estado : 7
Fecha de creación : March 9, 2016
última actualización : July 20, 2016 12:24:48
expansión :
categoría : Clases
subcategoría : Paladín
Soporte : - - -
prioridad : normal
puntuación :
11 5
[Paladin][Retribution] Sword of light
March 9, 2016 00:13:54

Sword of light passive is used twice, once in weapon damage formula (character sheet), and then again 2nd time when calculating ability damage.

información adicional
[Paladin][Retribution] Sword of light
March 10, 2016 11:07:44

Hi, I did some test and it's apply only one time :/
Twitter : @LasTeckDev

[Paladin][Retribution] Sword of light
March 10, 2016 11:07:50

estado cambiado de nuevo reporte a esperando más información

[Paladin][Retribution] Sword of light
March 10, 2016 20:38:06

base weapon damage: 685 - 1030, speed 3.6
AP = 2700
versa = 3.65%

normalized dmg:
([685-1030] * 3.6 / 3.5 + 2700) * 1.0365 = [3528-3896]
[3528-3896] * 1.3 [SWORD OF LIGHT] = [4586-5064] ---- dmg on screenshot is [4502-4948], roughly the same - sword of light included in normlized weapon damage formula.

So, 4948 * 2.4 = 11875 (versa included in NWD above) ----- damage on screenshot? 14743
11875 * 1.3 [SWORD OF LIGHT] 15437
15437 is very close to 14743 (which is not max dmg, just number between min and max), so --- sword of light is included TWICE

As additional proof, FV dmg with 1h weapon:
11144 crit
2334 * 2.4 * 2 (crit) = 11203. FV formula is correct, issue is with sword of light.

[Paladin][Retribution] Sword of light
March 11, 2016 10:33:59

Je pense que le verdict est juste trop up moi même jouent ret . Epée de lumière pareil pour moi il ne proc bien que une seul fois j'ai une petite question vue que vous êtes a la 6.2 sur le serveur le patch appliquant 8% sur les dommages en général du ret est t'il déjà appliqué ?

[Paladin][Retribution] Sword of light
March 11, 2016 11:02:35

Bonjour Dorkai, de quel patch parles tu? Aurais tu un lien?
Merci :)
Tweet me : @LasTeckDev

[Paladin][Retribution] Sword of light
March 11, 2016 11:39:34

Oui pas de soucis juste le temps de la retrouvé car elle à était appliquer y'a un petit moment sur offi le 3 novembre pour être exact . Regardez à partir de Équilibrage des classes
Lien :à-jour-623-14-11-2015

[Paladin][Retribution] Sword of light
March 11, 2016 11:47:20

Désolé pour le double poste si vous voulez celui la c'est la dernière maj eu sur officiel mais celle-ci à était mise le 3 Mars donc déjà bien loin dans la s3 .à-jour-623-3-mars-07-03-2016

[Paladin][Retribution] Sword of light
March 11, 2016 16:25:39

Toutes les modifications concernant les sorts sur le dernier hotfix blizzard seront applique sur Firestorm lundi !
Merci :)
Follow me : @LasTeckDev

[Paladin][Retribution] Sword of light
March 11, 2016 16:26:54

I did lot of test and all the bonus apply seems good :/

[Paladin][Retribution] Sword of light
March 11, 2016 18:14:21

Because you're calculating damage for spell based on weapon damage in tooltip!
Don't do that! That's the issue!

Calculate Normalised Weapon Damage first:
minimum dmg: [weapon min dmg] * weapon speed / 3.5 + Attack Power
maximum dmg: [weapon max dmg] * weapon speed / 3.5 + Attack Power
You will see that they're lot lower than tooltip, because they are multiplied by 1.3 due to Sword of light passive!

Use your calculated values, and then put them into spell damage formula. For Final Verdict, it's 240%.
[Min---Max] * 2.4 * 1.3 (now you count sword of light! for the first time!) =

Now you will see huge diffrence, that Sword of Light is used in both WEAPON DAMAGE FORMULA, and then again in SPELL DAMAGE FORMULA.

[Paladin][Retribution] Sword of light
March 11, 2016 18:18:32

Look at my posts again - i calculated weapon damage first, before calculating spell damage, because that's where bug is! And that's why i reported it! Spell formula is NOT bugged.
Paladins have increased Weapon Damage in tooltip (charaacter sheet) and then AGAIN increased spell damage, by the same passive!

[Paladin][Retribution] Sword of light
March 14, 2016 11:42:57

Netrakan, nope, SWORD OF LIGHT isn't working since... 5 months maybe.
I don't have the time right now to show you, but I swear it doesn't work.
I can just say the melee damage you see in your character infos are show WITH Sword of light, but just show, it doesn't do this damage.
Just look at crusader strike and melee damage, crusader should do 130% of melee and here it's nearly the same.

[Paladin][Retribution] Sword of light
March 16, 2016 03:09:31

So something should be working really bad, just check this......

[Paladin][Retribution] Sword of light
March 16, 2016 15:23:43

What are you waiting for? any smart tester can figure out that calculating twice on final verdict and divine storm (youve got 30% op damage of the final verdict and divine storm) and also calculating twice on final verdict and divine storm (20% op damage of final verdict and divine storm under the wings). So under the burst youve got 50% op damage of final verdict and divine storm. Pls fix its because its make not interesting to play for paladin.

[Paladin][Retribution] Sword of light
July 20, 2016 12:24:47

Tested and is okay on the Ptr