reporte : The home stretch quest can't get to docks...

Detalles del reporte

Título : The home stretch quest can't get to docks...
Estado : 0
Fecha de creación : June 3, 2022
última actualización : February 2, 2025 12:20:58
expansión :
categoría : Misiones
subcategoría : - - -
Soporte : - - -
prioridad : normal
puntuación :
39 0
The home stretch quest can't get to docks...
June 3, 2022 19:07:52

Realm: Oribos

Character (Mommypls, Alliance, lvl30+):

Difficult mode of the instance in which you found this issue: i walked to the docks but it doesn't seem to proc any instance or cutscene after.

Complete description of your issue (do not forget to specify the issue, all conditions for making the issue to happen, and if the issue is related to a phase, specify the phase in which you found this issue): can't continue with quest, i have walked to the docks and after the characters have dissapeared i don't get teleported into a cutscene, i have tried resetting my game, logging out and logging back in, i have also abandoned the quest and accepted it again, didn't seem to work

Steps for reproducing the issue:

The home stretch quest can't get to docks...
June 7, 2022 18:55:16

Same as here

The home stretch quest can't get to docks...
June 20, 2022 14:25:44

Realm: Oribos

Vingam, Paladín Alianza Level 39:

Es la última misión de "Asalto al Portal Oscuro". Cojo la misíon y me dirigo hacia los muellles como indica la misma, llego, y todos los personajes que me acompañan en la huída incluido al que tengo que entregar la misión para completar, desaparecen. He reiniciado, abandonado la misión y volverla a coger, borrado caché unas cuantas veces pero el problema persiste.

Gracias. Un saludo

The home stretch quest can't get to docks...
June 20, 2022 14:34:30

Realm: Oribos

Vingam, Paladin Level 39

In the last mission of "Assault on the Dark Portal", called "La Recta Fina" when I reach the destination indicated by the mission, all the npc including the one I have to deliver the mission to, disappear, making it impossible to complete the mission and reach the Valley Shadowmoon. I have abandoned and accepted the mission several times, I have deleted cache, restarted the game, the computer, and nothing, the problem persists. Thanks for the attention, greetings.

The home stretch quest can't get to docks...
July 21, 2022 09:49:12

Vernox Rogue
I've got the same problem. I wanted to complete storyline and i have run to the docks and all npc disapear and it makes impossible to finish the quest. Please help ;x

The home stretch quest can't get to docks...
August 12, 2022 21:33:45

Realm: oribos

Character (name, faction, level...): sithpredator - human-31level

Difficult mode of the instance in which you found this issue:

draenor prequest desapear mage in the docks and can't complete this quest.

Complete description of your issue (do not forget to specify the issue, all conditions for making the issue to happen, and if the issue is related to a phase, specify the phase in which you found this issue):

Steps for reproducing the issue:

The home stretch quest can't get to docks...
August 12, 2022 21:34:06

plz can fix it thx a lot

The home stretch quest can't get to docks...
September 7, 2022 12:41:44

same problem here too

The home stretch quest can't get to docks...
September 7, 2022 17:54:13

Same problem I had. I cannot teleport to the place where I can build the Garrison because the NPCs are disappearing .

The home stretch quest can't get to docks...
September 11, 2022 01:54:52

Same Here, when does it get fixed? I want to get on after days and days of waiting :(

The home stretch quest can't get to docks...
October 14, 2022 01:44:27

The home stretch quest can't get to docks...
October 17, 2022 14:11:12

Realm: Oribus

Lexset lv 45 Allianc:

Storyline Escape from Tanaan, Mission The Home Stretch :

Im in the endzone but the NPC´s disappear, relog and restart the misson dont help.

The home stretch quest can't get to docks...
November 14, 2022 23:55:54


Character (Мпу, Alliance, level 43):

Arriving at the pier, the quest does not count Khadgar disappears

The home stretch quest can't get to docks...
November 15, 2022 02:33:35

same here

The home stretch quest can't get to docks...
November 23, 2022 03:49:32

same with my character
shaman, lv 60

The home stretch quest can't get to docks...
December 5, 2022 01:49:26

Realm: Oribos

Character (name, faction, level...): Mahriy, Aliance, Druid, Level 22

Difficult mode of the instance in which you found this issue: Mission of Warlords of Draenor

Complete description of your issue (do not forget to specify the issue, all conditions for making the issue to happen, and if the issue is related to a phase, specify the phase in which you found this issue): In the missions to Draenor, in the last mission the wizard Hadgard disappears with the survivors and I am stuck without being able to go to the beginning of the garrison missions

Steps for reproducing the issue: play tanaan escape missions

The home stretch quest can't get to docks...
December 19, 2022 16:46:35

I'm having the same issue. Someone please fix this.

The home stretch quest can't get to docks...
December 26, 2022 22:46:51

Same here... please fix it

The home stretch quest can't get to docks...
December 28, 2022 12:24:54

Realm: Oribos

Character (name, faction, level...): Hidsi, Alliance, 43

Difficult mode of the instance in which you found this issue: Doing the event to go through the Dark Portal to Dreanor, when reaching the Quest: The home stretch. Where you must get to the dock.
You get to run to the dock and teleport out, but the quest never update the quest to be complete, even though you reached the docks. I have tried deleting it several times, logging out but it wont complete the quest.
Saw a horde character there too, so other than me have the issue.

Complete description of your issue (do not forget to specify the issue, all conditions for making the issue to happen, and if the issue is related to a phase, specify the phase in which you found this issue):

Escape From Tanaan
1. Taking a Trip to the Top of the Tank
2. A Taste of Iron
3. The Home Stretch

Steps for reproducing the issue:

The home stretch quest can't get to docks...
December 28, 2022 12:25:46

Haven't been able to complete this

The home stretch quest can't get to docks...
January 29, 2023 22:04:15

I have the same problem. Please, fix this!

The home stretch quest can't get to docks...
February 2, 2023 13:31:44

character:Manuparoth horde,23
when i enter the ship all npc dissapear and quest wont finish i tried restard logout reload

The home stretch quest can't get to docks...
February 22, 2023 16:17:17

Realm: Oribos

Character (name, faction, level...): Kranatir. Alliance. lvl 60

Difficult mode of the instance in which you found this issue: Mission

Complete description of your issue (do not forget to specify the issue, all conditions for making the issue to happen, and if the issue is related to a phase, specify the phase in which you found this issue): In the mission, you must run to the boats at the end of a road. The bug happend when you reach the boats, where you where supose to end the mission in Khadgar, but when oyu reach the boats, all of your allies dissapear and you arent able to complete the mission. I tried to reconect and retry the mission but the bug is still occurring.

And thats all, sorry if i made some grammatical mistiakes english is not my first language :p.

Greetings and thank you

Steps for reproducing the issue: Start the mission and go to the boats

The home stretch quest can't get to docks...
March 12, 2023 18:19:18

NPC's disapear , cant not complete quest . Tried reloading interface .. none show up

The home stretch quest can't get to docks...
March 14, 2023 11:34:41

Royaume : Oribos

Personnage (pseudonyme, faction, niveau) : worgale, guerrier, 43

Difficulté si problème rencontré en instance : /

Description précise de votre problème (rappelez-vous de préciser quel est le problème rencontré, comment a-t-il été rencontré, et s'il s'agit d'un élément de jeu se déroulant sur plusieurs étapes, quelle étape vous pose problème) : quetes: la dernière ligne droite en outreterre. Lors de rejoindre les quais, une fois arrivé au quai, rien ne se passe et impossible d'aller plus loin.

Étapes pour reproduire le problème : aller au quai

Informations complémentaires :

The home stretch quest can't get to docks...
March 17, 2023 22:06:58

Realm: Oribos, Shadowlands.

Character: Munset and Jareaa 32lvl

Quest: The Home Stretch
-0/1 Get to the docks

Quest is bugged. When we arrive to the docks, NPCs disappeared and never showed up even when we all tricks to repair the quest.

The home stretch quest can't get to docks...
April 29, 2023 20:03:54

Same bug in Oribos, Shadowlands.
When I arrived the docks, the NPCs disappeared and notting happen.

The home stretch quest can't get to docks...
May 10, 2023 14:06:55

Realm: Oribos

Character (name, faction, level...): Nyugvószikla,Horde,20

Difficult mode of the instance in which you found this issue:

Complete description of your issue (do not forget to specify the issue, all conditions for making the issue to happen, and if the issue is related to a phase, specify the phase in which you found this issue): When i arrive to the dock, Khadgar disappears and nothing happens

Steps for reproducing the issue:

The home stretch quest can't get to docks...
May 15, 2023 17:47:31

Still buged :(

The home stretch quest can't get to docks...
May 17, 2023 18:08:32

same problem here

The home stretch quest can't get to docks...
May 18, 2023 01:36:03

Same, I want to fully complete the warlords intro

The home stretch quest can't get to docks...
May 19, 2023 23:33:49

Same problem here

The home stretch quest can't get to docks...
May 20, 2023 13:40:36
I would like to complete this quest but the NPC´s disappear.
So i can´t start the questline "Home of the Frostwolfes" in order to get the garrison.

The home stretch quest can't get to docks...
May 23, 2023 21:26:18

Yea, still doesnt work im little sad about that.

The home stretch quest can't get to docks...
May 25, 2023 17:41:21

I hope they will do it soon.

The home stretch quest can't get to docks...
May 29, 2023 02:02:51

Realm: Oribos

Character (name, faction, level...): Elninhosol, alliance, 57 (at the moment of this report)

Difficult mode of the instance in which you found this issue: Warlords of Draenor campaign questline.

Complete description of your issue (do not forget to specify the issue, all conditions for making the issue to happen, and if the issue is related to a phase, specify the phase in which you found this issue): Following the questline to access Shadowmoon Valley, the last one cannot be completed. Khadgar disappears along with all the NPCs. On the last phase, disappears.

Steps for reproducing the issue: Just follow the questline until you reach the last quest.

The home stretch quest can't get to docks...
May 29, 2023 17:01:53

Royaume : Draenor

Personnage (pseudonyme, faction, niveau) : Hanasayo, Alliance, 38

Difficulté si problème rencontré en instance :

Description précise de votre problème (rappelez-vous de préciser quel est le problème rencontré, comment a-t-il été rencontré, et s'il s'agit d'un élément de jeu se déroulant sur plusieurs étapes, quelle étape vous pose problème) :

Quand nous arrivons a la fin de la quête ou l'objectif est : " atteindre les quais " les PNJ avec nous disparaisse et ne se valide pas, nous ne pouvons donc pas fuir la Horde de fer et ainsi que accéder au monde de Draenor.

Étapes pour reproduire le problème : Faire la Quête

Informations complémentaires : Déconnexion, Reconnexion ne fonctionne pas pour faire apparaitre les PNJ ainsi que de l’abandonner et la reprendre ne fonctionne pas

The home stretch quest can't get to docks...
June 11, 2023 06:45:40

Realm: Oribos

Character (name, faction, level...): Stabmeheyhoe, alliance, 43

The quest starts normally, however, at the docks, NPC vanish and nothing is happening.

Steps for reproducing the issue: Just follow the questline until you reach the last quest.

The home stretch quest can't get to docks...
June 11, 2023 21:10:56

Realm: oribos

Character (name, faction, level...): karmylla , alianza, 60

Difficult mode of the instance in which you found this issue: campaña de introducion de warlods of draenor

Complete description of your issue (do not forget to specify the issue, all conditions for making the issue to happen, and if the issue is related to a phase, specify the phase in which you found this issue): no puedo completar la mision de la campaña de draenor estoy terminando la mision de la recta final esa que te manda al barco para salir de jungla de taanad alos muelles, los npc se pierden y no me deja completar la mision para ir a valle sombra luna y dar comienzo ala construccion de la ciudadela..

Steps for reproducing the issue: desbloqueen la ciudadela en draenor.. nessito sacar logros y resetas

The home stretch quest can't get to docks...
October 11, 2023 17:40:25

Still not fixed - checked today: 11 oct 2023, on Oribos realm

The home stretch quest can't get to docks...
January 12, 2024 19:40:17

Same problem here 12/01/2024

The home stretch quest can't get to docks...
January 20, 2024 07:52:31

yes, and here... 2024.01.20.

The home stretch quest can't get to docks...
January 28, 2024 16:07:59

Same problem here we're on 2024.01.28.
Support told me to report in this section.
Please fix it to access Draenor and fief.
Thanks in advance

The home stretch quest can't get to docks...
June 17, 2024 15:22:35

It is not possible to go to the next phase because there is no trigger to complete the task
"Get to the docks"

The home stretch quest can't get to docks...
June 17, 2024 15:22:39

It is not possible to go to the next phase because there is no trigger to complete the task
"Get to the docks"

The home stretch quest can't get to docks...
June 18, 2024 03:17:07

Still nothing

The home stretch quest can't get to docks...
January 10, 2025 23:45:50

Realm Valdrakken - still bugged

The home stretch quest can't get to docks...
February 2, 2025 12:20:58

It's been almost three years already, thanks for fixing it. (Sarcasm)

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