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report : [Herbalism] gather herbs while mounted

Report details

Title : [Herbalism] gather herbs while mounted
Status : 7
Creation date : March 9, 2019
Update date : March 15, 2019 21:53:38
expansion :
category : Professions
subcategory : - - -
Support : - - -
priority : normal
rating :
0 0
[Herbalism] gather herbs while mounted
March 9, 2019 14:00:31

At the moment you can gather herbs while mounted on any mount!

You should only be able to gather herbs while in "travel form" (druid form) or mounting a "sky golem" else you should be dismounted while gathering!

additional informations
screenshot :
[Herbalism] gather herbs while mounted
March 9, 2019 14:16:05

status changed from new report to report confirmed

[Herbalism] gather herbs while mounted
March 15, 2019 21:53:38

Should be fixed in the upcoming days