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report : [Honor Talent] Demonic Origins Abuse

Report details

Title : [Honor Talent] Demonic Origins Abuse
Status : 3
Creation date : September 6, 2017
Update date : October 4, 2017 15:29:20
expansion :
category : Classes
subcategory : Demon hunter
Support : - - -
priority : high
rating :
4 0
[Honor Talent] Demonic Origins Abuse
September 6, 2017 15:54:03

Realm: Sylvanas

Character (name, faction, level...): Loliconlover, horde, 110

Difficult mode of the instance in which you found this issue: world

Complete description of your issue (do not forget to specify the issue, all conditions for making the issue to happen, and if the issue is related to a phase, specify the phase in which you found this issue):

Deominc Origins is staying active outisde of pvp instances (bg's, arenas, even while having pvp disabled). There are demon hunters players abusing this to get increased damage since all the pvp honor talents are disabled outside pvp actions.

Steps for reproducing the issue:

1. Get Demonic Origins
2. Go into an arena, bg and then exit
3. The pvp talent will be still active (the 10% damage increased buff part)

additional informations
[Honor Talent] Demonic Origins Abuse
September 6, 2017 15:56:33

Forgot to add that the "While not in Metamorphosis" part is still being active while the dh is transformed.

[Honor Talent] Demonic Origins Abuse
September 7, 2017 00:03:18


[Honor Talent] Demonic Origins Abuse
September 10, 2017 02:28:20

So no response on the most broken class in the server atm?

[Honor Talent] Demonic Origins Abuse
September 11, 2017 06:34:05


[Honor Talent] Demonic Origins Abuse
September 11, 2017 13:01:01


[Honor Talent] Demonic Origins Abuse
September 13, 2017 20:50:49

please review this, dh damage is stupid in pvp

[Honor Talent] Demonic Origins Abuse
October 4, 2017 15:27:15

status changed from new report to report confirmed

[Honor Talent] Demonic Origins Abuse
October 4, 2017 15:27:40

Sorry for not having time to check BT, currently busy with my Exams but here, will fix it as soon as possible, thanks for the report.

[Honor Talent] Demonic Origins Abuse
October 4, 2017 15:29:20

status changed from report confirmed to in progress

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