Title :
Why i can't reset my spec??
Status :
Creation date :
February 9, 2016
Update date :
March 15, 2016 19:39:22
expansion :
category :
subcategory :
Support :
priority :
Why i can't reset my spec??
Why i can't reset my spec??
February 29, 2016 17:13:53
I will check it today. You try to dont duplicate reports next time please.
Why i can't reset my spec??
February 29, 2016 17:14:04
status changed from new report to in progress
Why i can't reset my spec??
February 29, 2016 22:26:31
status changed from in progress to report confirmed
Why i can't reset my spec??
March 4, 2016 23:35:15
Fixed in next update, this monday.
Why i can't reset my spec??
March 4, 2016 23:35:37
status changed from report confirmed to fix need test
Why i can't reset my spec??
March 8, 2016 11:59:15
status changed from fix need test to fix need review
Why i can't reset my spec??
March 10, 2016 17:43:05
status changed from fix need review to report confirmed
Why i can't reset my spec??
March 11, 2016 21:05:56
Ok creado parche con todo igual que el ptr, si esto no funciona es tema de core. El lunes saldremos de dudas.
Why i can't reset my spec??
March 11, 2016 21:06:11
status changed from report confirmed to fix need test
Why i can't reset my spec??
March 15, 2016 19:39:22
status changed from fix need test to resolved
Why i can't reset my spec??
March 15, 2016 19:39:22
Assigned to Hipnos