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report : Enhancement bug

Report details

Title : Enhancement bug
Status : 7
Creation date : October 10, 2016
Update date : March 21, 2017 14:35:33
expansion :
category : Classes
subcategory : Shaman
Support : - - -
priority : critical
rating :
5 0
Enhancement bug
October 10, 2016 01:04:41

Realm: Grommash

Character (name, faction, level...): Schokolate, Pandaren, lvl 100

Difficult mode of the instance in which you found this issue: In general

Complete description of your issue (do not forget to specify the issue, all conditions for making the issue to happen, and if the issue is related to a phase, specify the phase in which you found this issue): Offhand weapon doesn't proc its weapon enchant.

Steps for reproducing the issue: Without a single item exept offhand weapon with a help of shaman from guild we came up with a problem that enha shamans have loss in their dps by the offhand weapon issue. We managed 3m dmg done on dummy not a single proc has been seen.

additional informations
Enhancement bug
October 10, 2016 08:29:06

+1. I noticed the same problem, when i attack with Off-hand weapon doesn't activate the enchant of weapon.

Enhancement bug
October 16, 2016 16:20:37

status changed from new report to report confirmed

Enhancement bug
October 28, 2016 11:31:47

status changed from report confirmed to fix need test

Enhancement bug
November 23, 2016 17:36:03

Aucun coup blanc ne touche de cible maintenant main droite comme main gauche. Pliz n'attendez pas 1 mois pour nous rendre nos auto attaques , ça fait vraiment de la peine de full miss des moob lvl 10 :D
Plus sérieusement c'est juste une catastrophe pour l’équilibre de la classe ...

Enhancement bug
March 11, 2017 16:49:32

Le problème est-il toujours d'actualité ? Is the problem still relevant ?

Enhancement bug
March 11, 2017 16:50:26

status changed from fix need test to waiting more informations

Enhancement bug
March 21, 2017 14:34:42

I tried it, enhancement shaman auto attacks are now able to hit the target (with both hands), and both enchants (off hand and main hand) can be activated with auto attacks. Flametongue attacks and Windfury attacks also proc from auto attacks. Therefore the issue is solved.

J'ai essayé, les attaques auto du shaman amélioration touchent correctement la cible (avec les deux mains), et les deux enchantements (main droite et gauche) peuvent être activés par de simples attaques auto. Les attaques Langue de feu et Furie des vents proc sur les attaques auto. Le problème est donc résolu.