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report : lucky streak on fire mage

Report details

Title : lucky streak on fire mage
Status : 1
Creation date : October 26, 2023
Update date : November 4, 2023 15:03:48
expansion :
category : Classes
subcategory : Mage
Support : - - -
priority : normal
rating :
0 0
lucky streak on fire mage
October 26, 2023 13:19:07


Fire Mage

If im fast combining [Phoenix flame] + [Fiery explosion] i havent full lucky streak, only 1 "stack" from [Fiery explosion].

lucky streak on fire mage
November 4, 2023 15:03:44

Hi, can you give me a wowhead link about "Fiery explosion" I cant find any ability with that name

Only one ability for hunters with that name

lucky streak on fire mage
November 4, 2023 15:03:48

status changed from new report to waiting more informations

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