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report : Feral's global situation

Report details

Title : Feral's global situation
Status : 7
Creation date : May 21, 2016
Update date : July 5, 2016 12:02:57
expansion :
category : Classes
subcategory : Druid
Support : - - -
priority : normal
rating :
12 0
Feral's global situation
May 21, 2016 20:47:21

Hi, good evening,

Since the last patch, the feral druide got hurted. This post is not aiming to cry, just to show you the current situation. Some spells are higher than the official server, some are lower. My goal is to put the light and to find a solution.

First of all my stats. (cf screen 12)

Then the formulas :

Déchirure (rip) : (113 + 300*Combopoints + 0.0484*Combopoints*AP)*8*Damagemultiplier*(1 + MasteryRating/100)
Lambeaux (shred) : 500*damage/100+78 (+20% bleeding damages)
Griffure (rake) : [ 1 + 62% of AP ] then [ 5 + 310% of AP ]*(1 + MasteryRating/100)
Mutilation (mangle) : 500*damage/100+78
Ravage (ravage) : 950*damage/100 + 741
Morsure féroce (ferocious bite) : [Mini] (316+762*5+0.196*5*AP) [Maxi](685+762*5+0.196*5*AP)
Balayage (swipe) : 400*weapondamage/100 (+20% bleeding damages)
Rosser (thrash) : 1232+1*AP*191/1000 then 5*(686+1*AP*141/1000)*(1 + MasteryRating/100)
Attaque auto maxi (Cat Top End) : maxweapondamage / speed + AP / 14
Attaque auto mini (Cat Bottom End) : minweapondamage / speed + AP / 14

All the tests are on a situation where I got 0 proc 0 buff and all the finishers are used with 5 combo points.
I am focusing on the normal damages, not the crit ones.

Rip : (113 + 300*5 + 0.0484*5*AP)*8*1*(1 + 67.85/100) = 184894.918888 over 16sec.

If you look at the 1st screen:

Normal damages : 8*29093 = 232744
Crit damages : 59931*8 = 479448

Compared to official damages, ours are 25% higher.

Shred : 500*12407/100+78 = 62035 + 78 = 62113

If you look at the 11th screen,

Normal damages : 48346
Crit damages 101048

Compared to official damages, ours are 23% lower

Rake: [ 1 + 62*50199/100] then [ 5 + 310*50199/100*(1 + 67.85/100)] = 31123.76 then 261361.7746 over 15sec

if you look at the 2nd and 10th screen,

Initial normal damages : 25492
Dot normal damages : 127285
Initial crit damages : 52513
Dot crit damages : 262205

Compared to official damages, our initial damages are 18% lower and the dot damages are 51% lower.

Mangle : 500*12407/100+78 = 62035 + 78 = 62113

If you look at the 9th screen,

Normal damages : 47336
Crit damages : 109033

Compare to official damages, ours are 24% lower.

Ravage : 950*12407/100 = 117866,5

If you look at the 8th screen, you won't see the normal damages. This is because I have 95% crit on ravage and I gave up on doing a normal one after more than 50 tries. But you can imagine than the normal damages are something like crit/2.

Normal damages : Arround 100k
Crit damages : 199283

Compared to official damages, ours are 15% lower.

Ferocious Bite : 316 + 3810 + 49194 (53320) / 685 + 3810 + 49194 (53689)

If you look at the 7th screen,

Normal damages : 56839
Crit damages : 137022

Compared to official damages, ours are 6% higher.

Swipe : 400*29109.5/100 = 116438

If you look at the 6th screen,

Normal damages : 37141
Crit damages : 80030

Compared to official damages, ours are 61% lower.

Thrash : 1232+1*50199*191/1000 then 5*(686+1*50199*141/1000)*(1 + 67.95/100) = 10819 then 65197.501405

If you look at the 4th and 5th screen,

Initial normal damages : 10566
Dot normal damages : 80260

Compared to official damages, our initial damages are 2% lower and the dot damages are 23% higher.

Melee attack : Max : 15746.6667 + 3585.57143 = 19332.2381
Min : 11824.4444 + 3585.57143 = 15410.0159

If you look at the 3rd screen :

Bottom normal damages : 18064
Top normal damages : 22591
Bottom crit damages : 35521
Top crit damages : 46527

Compare to official damages, ours are 17% higher.

I didn't screen this but it can be an information useful right now, in pve my damages come from :

Melee 31%
Rip 21%
Rake 19%

To finish my post, as the informations revealed you, the feral druid is not in a good shape. It has greater damages with the auto and rip, but the combo spells are a lot weaker than it should.

I'm still open for deeper analysises. I tried to have the correcter formulas as possible, if they're not, I am still available to correct this.

See you

additional informations
screenshot :
Feral's global situation
May 21, 2016 20:49:26


rip : +25%
shred -23%
rake : -18% then -51%
mangle : -24%
ravage : -15%
ferocious bite : 6%
swipe : -68%
thrash : -2% then +23%
auto : +17%

Feral's global situation
May 23, 2016 00:27:38

There is also a bug with Rip when you extend it's duration via shred/mangle/ravage. when you put on a 5 combo point rip it will tick for 30k+ after extending it's time and reapplying a 5 combo point Rip before the old one runs out, the new one will tick for 14k+ (should actually be the same 30k+ like the old one, just the time should change).

Feral's global situation
May 23, 2016 09:47:52

Yeah I know, that's why I didn't extend it on this test. But in a pve situation, we're losing a lot of damages cause of that