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Greetings, everyone!
Get ready for new content in Fury Incarnate!
Patch 10.1.7 will be released on September 16th 2024!
Each week one of the four original zones in the Dragon Isles (The Waking Shores, Ohn’ahran Plains, Thaldraszus, and The Azure Span) will be affected by a Dreamsurge.
To participate in a Dreamsurge, seek out Archdruid Hamuul Runetotem in Valdrakken for the Surging Dreams quest. You can also go directly to the Dreamsurge icon in whichever zone is affected.
Every 30 minutes, a Dreamsurge event will pop up somewhere in the zone, allowing players to complete objectives.
Those participating in the event can vote to shape the incoming Dreamsurge, so players will have various useful, powerful, or chaotic buffs.
During Dreamsurges, you will find Waking Dream Portals, shown on the map as a fiery portal icon.
During a Waking Dream portal, you advance a progression bar by defeating Druids of the Flame, destroying Flame Altars or dragonriding through Flametalon Hawks. Once complete, prepare for a fight with a Flame Lieutenant which drops Charred Elemental Remains when defeated.
Dreamsurges are a fantastic way to gear up Alts and collect new mounts, pets and other cosmetics!
In Patch 10.1.7, Heroic Dawn of the Infinite is a new difficulty level added to the mega-dungeon, which was originally introduced in Patch 10.1.5.
This heroic version allows you to experience the entire dungeon with a challenging but more accessible difficulty compared to Mythic.
Unlike the Mythic version, you can queue for it via Dungeon Finder!
A great and easy way to farm Reputation and the HD version of Gorehowl.
The attempts to reforge Tyr continue in this questline, but before you can locate the missing Disc of Tyr's memories, you need to help Travard with something particularly special: the reforging of the Tyr's Guard!
Travard is the leader and up until now, last remaining member of the Tyr's Guard, a secret order of Paladins sworn to protect Tyr's tomb in Tirisfal.
In order to start this questline you need the completion of the Coalition of Flames and Bronze Reconciliation storylines.