Stay informed about news of the server

Greetings, players!
The Open Beta has arrived! Players are now able to join the realm and start testing the Dragonflight content with us! The Open Beta realm of Dragonflight has been implemented on Firestorm since November 27th, 2023!
The following content refers to the Closed Beta realm, but it still applies to the Open Beta realm. The difference is that, as soon as the Open Beta releases, everyone will be able to connect!
But what is the Closed Beta, exactly? The Closed Beta is a stage of the development of an expansion where we set up a private realm and invite players to join it so they can play on the realm and test all the content we've developed so far!
They will be able to access all the developed content so far using an exact copy of their characters from Oribos!
Of course, the progress performed during the Closed Beta will not be saved on the account, and the characters will be erased afterwards, so if you want to progress on your characters, then you will have to wait more for the Live realm to be released for DF, or continue playing on our Shadowlands realm for now!
How to get invited to the Closed Beta? There are going to be a few ways to access the realm.
First, the most active players of the realm will get automatic invitations in their mail inbox with further instructions about how to access the realm. Thanks to this player's activity and loyalty, they will be granted access to the realm! Not only that, but they will also get an additional code that they will be able to share with another player!
But what if you haven't been especially active during the last few weeks but still want to access the realm? No worries! We are going to organize a few different ways to obtain access while the Closed Beta is available.
In order to unlock access to the closed beta, a new field will be available on this page. In that field, you will have to enter the Closed Beta code that players will be able to obtain through different sources. Once obtained, inputted and submitted, if everything goes well, the access will be granted, and all you'll have to do is follow our download guide to obtain our Dragonflight game client and enter the realm!
The codes will be shared across social media such as Discord, Facebook, etc., through game events, pools and giveaways, and they will also be shared by some of our Content Media creators! And speaking of what, we are looking for Content Media Creators!
Are you a Content Media Creator and would like to help us promote the new upcoming expansion? We have a deal for you!
We are interested in Influencers with a decent range of following based on World of Warcraft content and, possibly, Firestorm! If you consider you are the person up for the job, please contact us through Discord and send us your information! Social Media platforms, current following range, content, what content you specialize in, and more!
If you get accepted, we will provide you with Closed Beta access Closed Beta keys so you can prepare giveaways for your viewers! More information will be disclosed upon contacting us.
We will be waiting for you!
Whether you have been invited to the Closed Beta, or you just want to have the DF client ready for when the realm comes, we have prepared a Download Guide for it!
The client will remain the same version (10.1.7 - 51261) when the live realm arrives, so you won't have to download it again or update it afterwards!
Do not forget that during the Closed Beta, the progress performed on the Closed Beta Realm will not be saved.
If you are still interested in getting the client now, please follow this GUIDE!
Here, you will be able to see the available content for each aspect of the expansion. Since we published our Dragonflight Devblog, more and more content has been developed. Use this list to know what content can be tested or not!
Vault of the Incarnates 100% implemented |
Algeth'ar Academy | 100% implemented |
Brackenhide Hollow | 100% implemented |
Halls of Infusion | 100% implemented |
Neltharus | 100% implemented |
Ruby Life Pools | 100% implemented |
The Azure Vault | 100% implemented |
The Nokhud Offensive | 100% implemented |
Uldaman | 100% implemented |
Algeth'ar Academy | 100% implemented |
Ruby Life Pools | 100% implemented |
The Azure Vault | 100% implemented |
The Nokhud Offensive | 100% implemented |
Temple of the Jade Serpent | 100% implemented |
Halls of Valor | 100% implemented |
Court of Stars | 100% implemented |
Shadowmoon Burial Grounds | 100% implemented |
The Forbidden Reach | 100% implemented |
The Waking Shores | 85% implemented |
Ohn'ahran Plains | 100% implemented |
The Azure Span | 95% implemented |
Thaldraszus | 70% implemented |
Evoker (except Augmentation spec, available at 10.1.5) | 100% implemented |
Spells | 90% implemented |
Talents | 90% implemented |
Tier Sets | 100% implemented |
Balancing (using 10.1.7 balance class tweaks) | 95% implemented |
Renown | 100% implemented |
Renown activities | WIP- NYI |
Glyphs | 100% implemented |
Talents | 100% implemented |
Races | 100% implemented |
Questline | 100% implemented |
Hidden Masters | 100% implemented |
Hidden Treasures | 75% implemented |
Dragon Shards | 100% implemented |
Draconic Treatises | 100% implemented |
Crafting Orders | 100% implemented |
Crafting Orders Weekly | 100% implemented |
Trainers | 100% implemented |
Traders | 100% implemented |
Profession Items | WIP - NYI |
Gathering Nodes | WIP - NYI |
Season 1 | 100% implemented |
Gear and Vendors | 100% implemented |
Awards from Battlegrounds and Arenas | 100% implemented |
Solo Shuffle | WIP- NYI |
New arena | WIP- NYI |
Rework | 100% implemented |
New interface | 100% implemented |
Communities | WIP- NYI |
Community Feast | 100% implemented |
Fishing Holes | 100% implemented |
Grand Hunt | 80% implemented |
Siege on Dragonbane Keep | 50% implemented |
Obsidian Citadel | WIP - NYI |
Aylaag Camp | 100% implemented |
Cobalt Assembly Area | 100% implemented |
Trial of Flood | WIP - NYI |
Trial of Elements | WIP - NYI |

anyone can help about this ?