Stay informed about news of the server

Firestorm is finally opened! But some features will arrive a bit later!
You'll find below a list of available and incoming amazing features that Firestorm is providing, all the 'coming soon' features should arrive during October or November.
The new web pages of our website: The armory, PvP pages and purchases history will be our main focus among with the cross realm battlegrounds for Mists of Pandaria and Warlords of Draenor.
You'll also soon have your character's face as avatar on the website and forum, replacing the current shadow that you can see.
We know that many of you are interested in Achievements, that's why we decided to implement a "shared achievements" feature between all expansions! It is currently under testing and will be available soon!
Find ALL the available and incoming features here!
can fixed all bugs quest
we love firestor server
but .... u are scumbags sometimes instead of fixing 90%quests are bugged u just stay fcking doing some bullshit things on website and bla bla bla
trust me I swear to god i just come to website just to create an account that's all .. cuz i give 0 fucks about what u do on website
if u want us to say here and keep playing fix ur shitty bugs
or IVALICE Server Better or Warmane and thank you