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November 18, 2016
Shop: New Mounts
December 1, 2016 15:55:18
and why all cool mounts cost gold points ?
November 30, 2016 15:27:49
K, i hope any dev or mod will read this :)
Guys there are lots of items that can be Obtained only with Firestorm Points(donation coins)
and all items can be obtained by that coins in shop.
Also there are few things that can be obtained by Loyality poins BUT they also can be obtained by Firestorm coins, so heres my suggestion: Add some options in shop (not useless things ofc) that can be obtained ONLY with loyality coins and give it good high prices . what would that change? PPl will spend more time In-game for those options and they wont be like oh i can just buy that thing in 5 sec and blabla. Also it will give ppl who cant efford to donate but are loyal to server and spent more and more time playing here (that increases population ofc) to get some usefull things ingmae . Dunno some mounts, Mats maybe, Titles, Some Tmog items and etc. Hope u will read t his and realise that it would be for both sides :)
November 29, 2016 21:36:20
how to spend Loyalty points this point
i cant buy with this point
what can i do
same one can help me ?
<Mind and Power>
November 24, 2016 14:53:43
Thank you for the extra points.

Would like to know when can we expect new Legion content on the shop, such as the achievement to enable one to fly within the broken Isles, Legion LVL110 Armor and weapons etcetera...

I'm saving all my points until such content becomes available.

Thank you for everything thus far and keep up the good work :)
November 23, 2016 22:07:36
To Admins Server: Shop not support for Legion expansion! Please fix it problem...