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October 6, 2016
Kill Blackhand and gain access to our Legion closed-beta!
October 15, 2016 17:41:41
ain't nobody got time for dat
October 12, 2016 16:59:53
look how idiotic this thing is... if you play mop or other expansion and hate wod and dont play it but wanna try legion you have to Download WoD client (36gb) level up to 100 get gear find normal group of ppl and kill blackhand then you have to download legion cliend (40gb) and start playing and maybe b y that time it wont be beta anymore... you guys have no clue how to attract people sry :| thats not how marketing works coz all your promos and etc have lots of backsides just find some1 who has more knowladge about this coz its getting more and more confusing.
<Masters of illusion>
October 12, 2016 05:06:43
Hell yeah! Finally something interesting! ;)
October 12, 2016 03:05:05
help me lol
October 10, 2016 13:28:23
If you kill him until october 14th you will get a code in email. But you will get code after October 14th i guess.
<Tavern of the KinGGoblin>
October 9, 2016 21:16:42
How or Where I can get access to Legion when we already kill Blackhand?
October 9, 2016 16:40:46
Hype! Lets do this!
<The Skilled Mists>
October 7, 2016 21:38:13
WHEN ADD on mop Realm new boss in soo we waiting 2 months.and stilll Nothing............................................................................................................................................................................................................
<Blood Pact>
October 7, 2016 18:14:17
Hi, Yea this seems cool.
I'll definitly join in on this hope i make it, also since im here why not ask for the transmog shop, there is 2 pieces of 1 set i have tried super hard to get for all the time i have played and yet its there but not the full set (Blackrock set WoD)
Heres a link incase you are not sure what im talking about.
October 7, 2016 17:57:16
Why Not Free Fly on Draenor ...... i Consider its better than a legion beta , we killed BH and Maidens 2 times on Sombraluna and it has been easy