
反馈 : Hunter pets are broken making it unplayable


标题 : Hunter pets are broken making it unplayable
状态 : 7
创建日期 : July 23, 2022
更新日期 : October 30, 2022 15:16:27
扩展 :
种类 : 职业
子分类 : 猎人
帮助 : - - -
优先 : 普通
等级 :
5 0
Hunter pets are broken making it unplayable
July 23, 2022 16:31:45

Realm: Oribos

Character (name, faction, level...): Kkthnx, H, 60

Difficult mode of the instance in which you found this issue: After your pets get done attacking they get stuck in the command attack mode. This should not be happening unless you are pressing the button. They should be falling back to you right after combat no matter what unless you give them another command.

Complete description of your issue (do not forget to specify the issue, all conditions for making the issue to happen, and if the issue is related to a phase, specify the phase in which you found this issue): Pets are getting stuck in pet command attack mode. This is causing the class to not be playable at all right now as the pets are not listening to any other commands.

Steps for reproducing the issue: https://streamable.com/4akz03

Hunter pets are broken making it unplayable
July 23, 2022 16:38:27

Video of me explaining the issue as well to give more insight

Hunter pets are broken making it unplayable
July 31, 2022 04:40:10

This is a major issue. How is this not confirmed yet?

Hunter pets are broken making it unplayable
July 31, 2022 14:25:53

I think they are trying to fix warlock pets and using same platform but it causes bugs for BM pets as well.

Hunter pets are broken making it unplayable
July 31, 2022 14:31:06

Pets had been this bad since shadowland lunch. There had been multiple reports for this and Firestorm ether ignore the bug or doesn't know how to fix it.

Hunter pets are broken making it unplayable
July 31, 2022 19:15:36

Well it was not an issue in BFA there is video of the issue now, so idk why its not being confirmed and worked on. This is breaking hunters. Pets are completely broken right now.

Hunter pets are broken making it unplayable
August 13, 2022 20:51:20

Ridiculous this is just being ignored.

Hunter pets are broken making it unplayable
September 14, 2022 05:14:27

It frequently gets BM hunter unplayable. It's a quite important issue.

Hunter pets are broken making it unplayable
October 30, 2022 15:16:27


The issue got already reported to the devs. Here is the workaround to make it work:

* On pet attack macros: add a /petassist
* On petfollow macro: add a /petpassive

Closing this ticket since we already have reports about this.